Tuesday, October 11, 2022

You want to run a negative campaign? Probably not a good idea.

American political history dictates that if you're clearly losing an election, the best -- if not only -- thing you can do is go negative. Ignore the fact that voters are not choosing you, for reasons that are clear and obvious, and attack the other guy. If that fails too, throw in a wedge issue that really isn't a priority for many people, and pray for the best. Attack, attack, attack. Call the other side names. Heck, use the same word to describe your political opponents as you use to describe the 9/11 hijackers. And who cares if a few of them are murdered because of your dangerous rhetoric? Continue to talk about how evil it is to say "peacefully and patriotically" as Trump did to the Jan. 6 crowd.

Democrat candidates have ceased even trying to have a meaningful debate with the American people. And as you have no doubt noticed, EVERY democrat candidate in a tight race has distanced him or herself as far as humanly possible from President Joe Biden. They know his policies have destroyed the middle class, subjugated ALL Afghan women to their male masters, led to a second war in Ukraine on his watch, emboldened our enemies, and evaporated the confidence of our allies.

Here's the problem with going negative if you're a Democrat. The truthful negative stories about YOU are more plentiful than at any point for ANY group in American history.

If I was a republican candidate, I'd have to pay for a 30-minute infomercial to get all of their mistakes in. There's no way in hell a 30-second add would cut it. Among the things I'd get to discuss:

A vote for democrats is a vote for the highest gas prices in U.S. history.

A vote for democrats is a vote for the worst inflation in 40 years.

A vote for democrats is a vote to continue their OFFICIAL unilateral recession. (We've had two negative quarters of GDP growth. That is, always has been, and always will be the definition of a recession. The same people who are saying we're not in a recession now are the same people who saying we were when George W. Bush had two consecutive quarters of GDP growth.)

A vote for democrats is a vote for submitting all Taliban women to their male masters. They can now be arrested for walking too loudly outside. Yes, really.

A vote for democrats is a vote for Vladimir Putin's second invasion of Ukraine on Joe Biden's watch. Every inch Putin has gained and every Ukrainian life lost occurred while Joe Biden was in charge of U.S.-Ukraine policy.

A vote for democrats is a vote to withhold defense money from Ukraine, as Biden did until Hunter's prosecutor was fired.

A vote for democrats is a vote to cease using American oil; instead begging our enemies to keep us afloat. (Note: When Joe Biden was caught buying oil from Russia, he immediately turned to Russia's staunch ally Venezuela for oil. Not only has Biden ALLOWED two Ukraine invasions by Putin, he is literally FINANCING this one.)

A vote for democrats is a vote to support a man who is clearly not mentally competent, shakes hands with imaginary people, stumbles over the simplest phrases, and can't figure out how to get off a stage (that he obviously got onto) when he's finished speaking.

A vote for democrats is a vote for a man who almost never speaks to the media, despite getting more preferential treatment from them than any president not named Obama. Meanwhile, Trump faced the most hostile media in U.S. history and spoke to them virtually every day.

A vote for democrats is a vote for the elimination of cash bail. Criminals are one of the democrats' "special" groups, and they demonstrate that clearly by aiding them in every way possible.

A vote for democrats is a vote for a "pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon" approach to law enforcement. It's a vote to defund police, and hope the social worker sent to help you while you're being raped or murdered can talk your assailant down.

A vote for democrats is a vote for race-based law enforcement. If you're white and killed by a cop, good. If you're black and killed by a cop, even justifiably, well, everyone stay indoors. There's probably going to be some serious burning, looting, murdering taking place. (Ashli Babbitt was the ONLY person murdered on Jan. 6. She was unarmed when she was gunned down by a black Capitol police officer. The left's view of that is simple: good. Had she been a black unarmed protester gunned down by a white cop, the country would STILL be on fire.)

A vote for democrats is a vote for the 574 BLM and Antifa terrorist attacks on the United States in the summer of 2020 alone. Those terrorist attacks caused $4.3 billion in property damage, 36+ murders, 2000+ cops injured, and literal secession from the Union (Portland and Seattle) for the first time since the Civil War. NO prominent democrat has condemned ANY of these attacks, and Kamala Harris actually led the charge to bail out the people who committed these heinous crimes against our country.

(I will say that the police officer who killed George Floyd absolutely, unequivocally murdered him. There is NO excuse for what happened to Mr. Floyd. None. His criminal history is irrelevant. But there is likewise no excuse for the people who attacked us, when our system worked to absolute perfection in that case. There is also NO excuse for a party that claims to oppose all political violence for not damning every single one of those 574 attacks and literal secession in NO uncertain terms. Ergo...)

A vote for democrats is a vote for leftist terrorism against the United States.

A vote for democrats is a vote for Joe Biden, who called 75 million Americans "extremists" because we dare have the audacity to disagree with the fuehrer.

A vote for democrats is a vote for the people who CONTINUE to call 75 million Americans "extremists" even after Caleb Ellingsworth was murdered because of their heinous rhetoric. (His murderer justified his actions by saying he believed Ellingsworth was part of an "extremist" republican group. He wasn't, or those ties would be blasted over leftist Goebbels media outlets all day, every day.)

A vote for democrats is a vote against the Constitution of the United States. Our Founders provided us with a Second Amendment to protect us from tyranny. It's not surprising that the tyrant that is Joe Biden is promising to disarm us. Leftist social media outlets also shred the First Amendment by refusing to allow conservatives to speak freely, censoring truth, spreading lies, and manipulating our elections.

A vote for democrats is a vote for the democrat FBI's false Russian dossier used to try to steal the 2016 election, and later used to run a false coup attempt.

A vote for democrats is a vote for the second Trump impeachment, even though EVERY democrat who voted in favor knew Zelenskyy said he felt, "No pressure whatsoever" from Trump.

A vote for democrats is a vote for the unilateral Jan. 6 committee, which has violated all House norms and all standards of American jurisprudence. They did not allow the minority party to choose even ONE member, for the first time in House history. They have excluded ALL exonerating evidence, in violation of every standard of justice we have. They have taken every witness' testimony on tape so they could control which parts they release to the public and which they trash. If you're going to conduct public hearings, the standard is to conduct them PUBLICLY, not pick and choose which parts of a witness' testimony fits your predetermined outcome.

A vote for democrats is a vote to door kick political opponents you know you can't beat in a free and fair election, violating the Fourth Amendment.

A vote for democrats is a vote to allow democrats to have illegal servers, filled with classified material, hacked by Russian agents, compromising U.S. national security. You can't hack a box in a closet, folks.

A vote for democrats is a vote to allow democrats caught with said Russia-hacked illegal servers to destroy all of the evidence without prosecution.

A vote for democrats is a vote to hold Americans as political prisoners in solitary confinement without a trial for 20+ months, in violation of the U.N.'s standards on torture, and in violation of the constitutional right to a speedy trial.

A vote for democrats is a vote to force women to compete against biological men for scholarships, awards, and championships.

A vote for democrats is a vote to eliminate THEIR idea of "my body, my choice." Joe Biden ended that nonsense when he attempted to force EVERY American to take unproven vaccines against their will. He succeeded in doing so with all federal employees. He unilaterally eliminated the religious exemption -- another clear First Amendment violation.

A vote for democrats is a vote for higher corporate taxes, which will lead to higher consumer costs, worsening their already crippling inflation.

A vote for democrats is a vote for huge donations to their green buddies, under the guise of reducing inflation. Throwing massive amounts of money at pet projects will also make their inflation worse.

A vote for democrats is a vote to thieve the right of the States and the People to have their say on issues that are not in the Constitution. Overturning Roe (and even RBG said Roe was on "shaky legal ground") was based 100% on the 10th Amendment, and therefore decided unequivocally correctly. Democrats have promised to strike down the 10th Amendment by codifying Roe federally if they retain the majority.

A vote for democrats says that you agree, and that they should be the ones deciding important issues for us, not We the People deciding for ourselves.

A vote for democrats is a vote for a wide open border, human trafficking, rape, fentanyl on our streets killing 300 Americans per day, and pretending we can't figure out the "root cause." (Hint: It's the total ineptitude of this administration.)

A vote for democrats is a vote for the party of a man who said, "If you don't know if you're voting for me or for Trump, then you ain't black." It's a vote for the party of a man who said black Americans are a "racial jungle." It's a vote for the party of a man who proudly proclaimed that a KKK member was his "friend and mentor.

A vote for democrats is a vote for the party that founded the KKK and maintains its values today. You saw what happened when Ye West dared to speak out against their heinous racism.

A vote for democrats is a vote for people who literally believe the idea of making America great is incredibly offensive and an "extremist" position to take.

They've literally said it folks. They HATE the idea of making America great again. And we've seen the proof in their surrender to the Taliban, building them a modern army, making their women slaves to their male masters, and restoring the launching point for the 9/11 attacks. (They also tell us that Al Qaeda is gone from Afghanistan, but somehow, Al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri was killed there, and ISIS-K -- an Al Qaeda offshoot -- is known to be thriving there.)

So let me just say it. A vote for ANY democrat is a vote against the United States of America. And good luck to them on coming up with a comprehensive and factual list about why they think all these things are true of us. They should probably rethink going negative. They ARE a net negative to this country and the world.

-- Jason Fornwalt

Treehouse of Liberty Times, managing editor

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You want to run a negative campaign? Probably not a good idea.

American political history dictates that if you're clearly losing an election, the best -- if not only -- thing you can do is go negativ...