Friday, September 25, 2020

Hypocrisy, Lies and Politics

How can you tell if a Politician is lying? If their lips are moving. Sadly this old "joke" has become standard in today's political environment.  Not judging anyone and not excluding anyone but, that is probably true of 98 percent of today's politicians. What is even more sad than that is, over half our voters have come to believe that their side only tells the truth and the other "guys" lie all the time. When did we become so divided and so steadfast in "our side is always right, your side is always wrong"?

 Back in the "good old days" when I was a young pup coming up in the World, Democrats and Republicans had differences but they really tried hard to work together to solve them before they became huge problems.  There was none of the nastiness, backbiting and downright false charges that there are today. A lot of this I blame on the media and our instant access to the Web and Social Media.  Back before every channel had "pundits" that gave only their view of the world and their interpertation of the soundbites, we had something called "Journalism". Sadly that is dead today and everyone is just interested in what gets them to the front of the line. Even if they have to embellish it or, downright LIE about it.  And websites  and Social Media all have their own political agenda and most dismiss you if you have a different viewpoint. Or worse yet, they block or delete you.

 But you know who I really blame? I blame us, the voters and listeners. We have become so use to letting our leaders control us instead of us controling our leaders. When Senators and Representatives are re- elected over and over and over again, it is because we are too lazy, too uninterested or too tied up with the latest "new thing" to bother to vote or to research our votes. Yes friends, YOU and I are to blame for the mess we have gotten ourselves into politically. SHAME ON US!

 So, how do we fix it? Quit looking to blame others and quit looking for the "politically easy" way out. Stand up, do your research and vote not for the "man," not for "your Party" but rather vote for the PERSON who best represents your interests and concerns. Republican, Democrat or Independent, doesn't matter what letter follows their name, what matters is their Integrity, honesty and willingness to work for YOU..NOT the lobbyists and  special interests. Get up off your lazy ass and do something positive to make our country great. Black, whie, yellow, brown, red, pro police, anti police, Republican, Democrat or Independent...I GUARANTEE if you respect the Constitution and put the COUNTRY first, we will be fine. Or, we can continue to act like spoiled horse's asses and let the politicians run our lives. The choice is plain but, CHOOSE WISELY!!! Thank you for reading and lets make us the greatest Country in the History of the Planet....even better than the USA of 20 years ago. Can we do it? YOU BET YOUR ASS WE CAN!!! God Bless the United States of America. (and excuse the language)

 Clay Moorer, Assistant Editor, Treehouse of

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