Saturday, November 14, 2020

Now what?

 I've held off on posting anything about the election because I haven't come to a decision in my own head how I feel about it just yet. There's a lot that seems to be questionable, but at the same time, we can't question our process just because we don't like the result. Regardless, I have to admit that my electoral map was pretty far off. Of course I wasn't alone. I saw polls that had Biden winning states by as much as 17 points, only to see them divided by a few thousand votes. I'm not sure most pollsters even make a legitimate effort, but Donald Trump may well be the most difficult president to poll or predict in the history of our country. No excuses though. I got it wrong.

Where do we go from here?

That's the million dollar question. I think there's very little chance this election is overturned. And for the overall health of our country, I think that's probably a good thing. Don't get it twisted. I think Donald Trump has been a far better president than Joe Biden will be, but we have to be able to trust our elections on some level. 

That trust is hard to come by when I see republican vote count watchers routinely turned away or kicked out. It's hard to come by when I see postal whistleblowers put on administrative leave for exposing corruption. It's hard to come by when I see cardboard being put over windows so no one can observe the counting even from outside the building.

I find it very difficult to believe that vote counting activities are being hidden from view because the people doing the counting are on the up and up. As I asked my significant other a few days ago, "Did you hide from your parents when you were reading the Bible or when you were smoking a cigarette?" The answer is obvious. There is no reason to hide doing what's right. It's when we are doing something we shouldn't that we try not to be seen.

This belief is reinforced by the fact that we now know that the Democrat National Committee and Hillary Clinton paid for a false Russian dossier, used to spy on candidate and later president Trump. This level of cheating makes Richard Nixon look like a harmless choir boy. It is the most egregious and heinous crime committed against the United States since Benedict Arnold's treason. It is made all the worse by the fact that NO ONE has been punished for it.

Liberals don't view elections the way conservatives do. Conservatives hope the rightful winner of an election takes office. Liberals want their guy or gal to take office whether or not they actually won. That explains the dossier. That explains the hiding of vote counts now. That explains why the Supreme Court will be packed, D.C. and Puerto Rico will be added as states, and tens of millions of illegal aliens will be made citizens. It's not about the country for them. It's about raw, unchallenged, unabashed power.

That is why it's so devastating to me that Joe Biden won this election. Soon my voice will be gone. Yours will too. So will that of anyone who dares to challenge the leftist authority. You think that's an exaggeration? We've already seen statues torn down because the leftists need to rewrite our history and silence any opposing voice. We've seen riots nationwide because the leftists have to get their way, be it by election or by force. They don't care which. We've been called everything from racists to smelly Walmart shoppers for four years in an effort to minimize our voices.

Furthermore, we can look forward to the loss of our energy independence causing gas prices to spike. We can get excited about the stock market plunging as our taxes go up and Biden enacts his proposed six-week national lockdown. I guess we can get pumped about the fact that every minority group -- each of which has seen its most prosperous four years in U.S. history -- will be struggling again. I suppose we can get on board with more wars for oil and new conflict, which we haven't seen in four years. And I'm sure if we stand against any of it, the country will be set on fire again.

I just wonder if conservatives will finally stand against any violence that may ensue. If so, I guess my next column will be more like one of those old letters soldiers sent back home during the first Civil War.

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