Monday, July 27, 2020

Domestic Terrorism: Change, sure. The worst kind.

At what point do real Americans stand up and say we've had enough? At what point do we meet force with force? At what point do we say that all of the burning, looting, injuring of police officers (1300+), and the flat out murder of at least 18 people is going to stop? At what point do we say, "No. You can't seize parts of the sovereign United States?" At what point do we say, "No. You cannot riot for 60 consecutive days?"

I was onboard in the beginning. We all were. George Floyd suffered a roadside execution at the hands of a bad police officer -- after being warned by fellow officers of the risks of what he was doing. He continued. He murdered Mr. Floyd. I wanted to see that loathsome cop tried and hung by whatever piece of his anatomy the executioner chose.

This was different than other cases. No one was hiding anything, and there weren't any excuses. The Mike Brown case was a travesty. He was attempting to steal Darren Wilson's weapon, and was shot as he was trying to do so. Trayvon Martin was bashing George Zimmerman's head off of a concreate curb when he was deservedly shot. Of course, our media doesn't report truth, and they don't talk to anyone on the other side. Sure, they talk to the "victim's" mom and get the, "My boy never did anything wrong. He was a good kid." They then present the false narrative that the 'good kid' was killed for no reason.

Rarely is that the entire, true story. I always wait for ALL of the facts to come out before rendering my judgment in any situation. In the Brown and Martin cases, that was certainly the right approach to take.

The Floyd case was different. I spent some time in law enforcement. I know what positional asphyxia is. I know how fragile the human neck is. I knew that what I was watching was a straight up homicide.

Not long after, nationwide riots started. Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and their associate terrorists decided that our major cities needed to burn. They decided that looting somehow honored George Floyd. They decided that injuring police officers with bricks, frozen water bottles, molotov cocktails, fireworks, and baseball bats was a good idea. They simply gunned down others where they stood -- like black retired police officer David Dorn, who was just trying to help protect a friend's business. (If you're keeping score at home, no, his life doesn't matter to the leftist terrorists.)

Shortly after that, a black man was shot and killed by a police officer after stealing one officer's tazer, and shooting it at the other. He was justly shot. He had already stolen one police weapon. Had he incapacitated the other, there is NO reason to believe he wouldn't have stolen his firearm and executed him.

What's more, the Atlanta prosecutor who filed a Golden Corral buffet of charges against the officer had said THE WEEK BEFORE in another case that "In Georgia, a taser is considered a deadly weapon."

That removes ANY question from the case. The suspect fired a deadly weapon at a police officer, and rightfully encountered deadly force.

As a result of this completely justified shoot, the Wendy's where this incident took place was burned to the ground, and the violence and destruction being committed by the leftist terrorists only intensified.

Frankly, at that point I checked out. I quit. I was done. I am not AT ALL proud to say it, but I don't care what happens in the Floyd case anymore. I am pretty sure I won't support a minority cause again. (And I hate that.) But when the response to a justified police shooting is race riots, count me out.

There have been a lot of political issues that have deeply upset me in my 46 years. I was disgusted when I lost out on a great job opportunity because quotas needed to be met. I don't like abortion at all. (I accept that it's the law of the land. It's time for leftists to accept Heller.) I think it's sad that everyone is in a protected class besides hetero white males.

But not once have I thrown a homemade bomb. Not once have I assaulted a police officer. Not once have I stolen anything. Not once have I ripped down a statue, let alone ripping it down because it's an image of a black person. And obviously, not once have I murdered ANYONE. I will not sit by and accept it when ANYONE else does.

The definition of terrorism is "Using violence to affect political change." I've used that word throughout this piece because it is wholly and completely accurate. That's precisely what these people are doing. And it sickens me that here we sit, good people who care about this country, doing precisely nothing about it.

Do not misunderstand. I support the right of EVERY American to peacefully protest. If I didn't, I wouldn't be much of a constitutionalist. I don't care if people hold a rally to scream all day about what a horrible person I am. God bless them. And thank God for the fact that I can say what I wish as well.

But the terrorism must stop, and it must stop now. If it doesn't, WE must stop it. If it continues, it will just make Americans like me even less likely to support a minority position ever again.

Yeah. Their violence is affecting political change. Just not the kind they want.

-- Jason Fornwalt, editor/staff writer, Treehouse of Liberty Times

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