Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Rioters VS. Protesters

I grew up in the South in the 60's, mostly Alabama. I saw firsthand the treatment that the Black people received. I did not "read" about it or "hear" about it secondhand.  Yes, I am white and I do not feel embarrased about it or feel that I need to apologize. God made me and I accept His will. But the things I saw as a child bothered me then, and they still bother me today. Not because I am a certain race but because I am a Human Being. I saw the separate bathrooms. laundromats, water fountains and stores that Blacks had to use.  I watched as Blacks had to work in the fields all day long for a dollar or a piece of clothing. It was a shameful time in history and one that we should despise.

  I admired the protesters that started a movement and brought it to the forefront of the Country. Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr. and others marched and put their very lives in danger to try and change the way that this Country looked upon the Blacks. What I admired the most was the way they protested peacefully without burning and looting. They embraced Ghandi's view of "peaceful rebellion". They brought about change and forced new ideas and legislation to be adopted as the mainstream of the Country. Hats off to them all! They made good and sensible change in society. Because of their dedication, their stubborness and their desire, they helped make Civil Right changes "peacefully". You get more flies with honey, not vinegar.

  I also grew up and saw the riots and looting in cities like Los Angeles, Chicago and others. People were frustrated but instead of using common sense and words, they decided to riot and loot to try and bring focus to the problem (as well as free stuff in their pockets). The Watts riots and the DNC convention riots were shameful and innocent people got hurt. Yet, no real change was made to the Country. Why? Why did the "riots" not achieve the same change as the "protests"? 

  Americans are quick to forgive. We believe in second chances and in people getting a new start in life. That is because we are a hopeful and respectful Country..well, some of us are. When you peacefully protest, people tune in and listen to the message. The admiration and sympathy of Americans are touched when they see people trying to change things for the better without anger, hatred and underlying intentions. However, when you riot, loot, burn business and hurt others Americans tend to tune out and can only see the violence and lunacy of the rioters. The message gets lost. Case in point, George Floyd was a terrible disgrace and I am happy that the offending officers were punished. Once again, not becaue of their race or color but because it was the right thing to do based on our laws and our society. But it is shameful that BLM and ANTIFA have decided to use his terrible tragedy as a reason to burn, riot and loot.  Americans are all for change but our laws are based on, and made, through peaceful changes. Our Government does not change parties or hands due to revolution but rather by a peaceful rule of law. The Constitution of the USA. We are a unique Country with awesome citizens. The far Left and Far right organizations and revolutionaries wish to change that. They do not mind hurting fellow citizens or their businesses for change.  Rioters and looters have no problem advancing their ideology by "any means necessary". That is NOT the American way. Peaceful protest is the way, not throwing things at police, burning and looting business and toppling statues. As Americans, we tune out to that. Do not be fooled because you do not hear or see Americans standing up to the rioters and looters. We protest at the voting booth as the Founders desired. Rioters and Looters may THINK they are affecting permanent change, but all they do is further divide the Country and cause pain and anger to the majority of Americans.

  In conclusion,  Peaceful protests with good intentions and the goal of love and understanding for all have worked wonders in the past. Yes, they may have taken longer than we wanted and our patience wore thin, but the results were worth the time and sacrifice. Hats off to those that achieved these changes. In my 63 years on earth, I have NEVER..EVER..seen a permanent change due to the anger, hatred and disrespect that rioting brings. NEVER. If you want peaceful change that is good for the Country and fellow citizens, I will respect and understand your cause even if I may not agree with it. However, if you riot, loot, burn and show disrespect, I will NEVER..EVER..accept your ideology. No matter how good your intentions. Who am I? I am the American people that respect the Constitution and those that really want peaceful change. God Bless the USA and God Bless peaceful protests, not anger filled riots. Thank you for reading. All respectful comments , regardless of ideology, are welcome.

 Clay Moorer -- Treehouse of Liberty Times associate editor/staff writer

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