Tuesday, August 4, 2020

A case for Term Limits

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of President more than once. Thus states the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution of the USA.

  Back in 1951, 36 of the 48 states(Hawaii and Alaska were not yet states) ratified this amendment and it became a permanent part of our Constitution. Yet, like some said about President Obama in 2016, the same thing has been said of President Trump in 2020...They will not accept the results and try to stay in power. Arguments such as these are ridiculous and cannot happen even under so called "Executive Orders". The U.S. Constitution trumps all political decisions or desires. 

 But, people in BOTH parties have tried to end run and backdoor the Constitution and its amendments for as long as there have been Political Parties. It has become second nature and Politicians think it is just the way the game is played today. How can we eliminate the corruption and the self serving greed that Politicians so desperately seek? Well,  the blame and the fault can be traced to...NO, not the Republicans and NO, not the Democrats but rather...the modern day voter. In other words, you and I.

  Even though we passed term limits for Presidents, what we really need are term limits for Congress.  Our Founding Fathers thought they had this covered by the formation of our 2nd Political Box, the voting box. ( Soap box, jury box, and ammo box being the others) But sadly, our fellow citizens(and maybe even some of us) have become lazy and apathetic to one of their most valued and treasured rights. When you make your Congressional seat a lifetime job, then the opportunity for you to make deals so money rolls into your bank account becomes not only tempting, but also has become..AUTOMATIC. Shame on our well to do Congress but, DOUBLE SHAME to we, the voters.

So, how do we fix this? Well, just as an amendment for Presidential term limits was put to the Country, so should an amendment for Congressional term limits. But here is the fly in the oinment. Congress has to approve this and then submit it to the people. Are you gullible enough to think that Congress would cut their own "monetary throat"? Think again.  Representatives like Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell and others have taken advantage of our system for too long. Since Congress has to make the first move, I doubt we will ever get an amendment like this passed. The ONLY chance we have to bring some honor and honesty back to our Government is to CHANGE OUT those who are leading us down the wrong path. Let me be clear, BOTH parties have more than their share of greedy Congressional millionares. Will it ever change? Only YOU and I have the power to make it so. Research your local, state and Federal candidates and see what they really believe and what they want. Do not rely on FOX, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, MSNBC, CNN, Washington Times, Washington Post, New York Times, Newsweek, Time or ANY other Main Stream Media to make that decision for you.  And do not let their tenure in Government mean an automatic reelection for our Representatives. Let us all, Democrat, Republican, Black, White, Brown, Red, Yellow, Christian, Jew , Hindu,, Muslim or Atheist stand up and learn to say NO to those who make money hand over fist pretending they care about us and our opinions. There is an old saying that goes, "An honest person cannot be elected to Politics these days"..Whomever said it was years ahead of their time. I am asking all voters, of all parties and beliefs, to end the monetary chokehold Congress has on itself.  In conclusion remember...."All it takes for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing".. TIme for the voters to do SOMETHING!  The problem isn't a new President every 4 or 8 years, it is an old Congress for 20 or more years. Thank you all for reading and lets work together to make us a great Country once again. God Bless the USA!

Clay Moorer, Assistant Editor of Treehouse of Liberty Media

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