Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The difference between absentee and vote by mail

"What's the difference between an absentee ballot and vote by mail?"

An absentee ballot allows someone who cannot go to their normal polling place to cast a ballot by mail, but there are a few key differences between absentee and holding an election by mail.

First, absentee ballots are used by a small minority of voters. They can be military members stationed overseas, people travelling for business, or just folks who won't be in their area on election day.

Absentee voters must submit a request for an absentee ballot. Their voter registration information is confirmed, and a ballot is sent to their house in their name, to be completed and sent back. You do not receive an absentee ballot UNLESS you request it.

The absentee process guarantees that "one person, one vote" is upheld, and that a person is legally eligible to vote.

Since the number of absentee voters is relatively small, there is virtually no strain on the postal service.

So how is vote-by-mail different? First of all, there are (as of 2018) over 153 million registered voters in the United States. So naturally that means that if every registered voter voted by mail, the postal service would handle 306 million additional pieces.

The postal service handles about 182 million pieces of mail per day. 306 million ballot transactions represents s nearly 160% increase over that normal day. If you had to do 160% more work than you normally do in an 8 hour shift, is it reasonable for your boss to expect you to handle it flawlessly? Would there be things you wouldn't get done in those 8 hours? I'd be willing to be there would.

Yet democrats expect to flood postal employees with this drastically increased work load and balk when the Postmaster General says that may prevent them from getting all the mail through on time? This is a matter of simple logic. If you give people too much work, they're not going to get it all done. How hard is that to understand?

In spite of the false leftist rhetoric, the postal service is not tightening its fiscal belt to cheat, disenfranchise, undermine, or otherwise screw ANYONE. Again, this takes nothing but simple logic to understand.

You run a small business. Your business lost $90,000 last year. There is no reason to expect your revenue to increase. What do you do if you'd like your business to continue to operate? That's right. You'd cut costs as much as you possibly could.

Guess what? So did the postal service. USPS had a net operating loss of $9 billion last year. Nine BILLION. (Those are taxpayer dollars, btw.) With Amazon, UPS, and FedEx kicking ass and taking names, there's no reason to expect USPS revenue to increase.

So the PG made the wise decision to cut operating costs. Democrats know this, but they wail and gnash teeth anyway, trying to frame another Trump victory as illegitimate before it happens.

There's another problem with mail-in voting. Think about the last time you moved. Did you call the local election board and let them know you were moving? No? Then you're likely still registered to vote in your old district. You probably also registered in your new district. Guess what? Two ballots are sent out in your name. Guess what else? One of them is sent to your old address.

So you send your ballot in, proudly supporting Joe Biden. I send in your ballot that comes to your old address. I proudly vote for Trump. Now I've cancelled your vote, and I STILL get to cast MY ballot for Trump.

There is also nothing preventing unscrupulous people from stealing ballots from mail boxes, from going door to door and asking non-political residents to turn over their ballots (ballot harvesting), or collecting all the ballots from nursing homes, etc. and filling out all of the ballots however they wish.

Further, there is NOTHING preventing a person who is not eligible to vote from mailing in a ballot. You don't think every address in LA isn't going to get at least one ballot? Eh, what's a few million illegal alien votes.

And let's suppose none of that happens. The final piece of the puzzle is that EVERY ballot will pass through the hands of members of a union that fully endorsed Joe Biden. That's right. Democrats want every Trump voter's ballot to pass through an organization that supports Biden. How about no.

None of the problems I have detailed are possible if you pull a lever, color in a circle, or touch a computer screen. If you carry your own ballot to a locked box, it is foolproof -- at least to that point. The same people count the ballots either way.

So you tell me what's secure. You tell me what prevents more voter fraud. You tell me why democrats are pushing the method that is VASTLY more subject to fraud to conduct this election.

Don't let the leftists and their media get inside your head.

Oh, and remember they've supported Fauci throughout COVID. Fauci says it's perfectly fine to return to school with masks and social distancing. If schools are ok, so are polling stations.

-- Jason Fornwalt, Treehouse of Liberty Times editor/staff writer

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