Thursday, August 20, 2020

Thoughts on the Democratic National Convention

 This week the DNC had their virtual 4 day clown show. It was kind of strange watching the roll call and all the speeches by video instead of in person. Guess that may be the future of Politics. It will be interesting to observe how the Republicans handle their Convention and from where President Trump accepts the nomination. Stay tuned.

  The first night was basically Michelle Obama bashing Trump inside, out and sideways. She was a good choice by the anti American Party ( Dems in other words) to lead this charge because the sheep on the Left love her to no end. Night two was the roll call and it was strange to see so many older, white Americans (including a couple of RINOS) shill for Uncle Joe. And of course, Colin Powell, a self procalimed Republican who has endorsed no one but Democratics since 2008, had to get his shots in against Trump and for Joe.  And let's not forget Bill Clinton talking about how Donald Trump has disgraced the oval office. LOL. Monica who? Bill baby :) I do have to give credit to Jill Biden. Her speech and the background they provided for her was very strong and very compelling. But then, after it was over, Uncle Joe comes out, hugs her and refers to her by the name "Joe". LOL. Of course, all the MSM immediately says he actually said "Jill" but that it was garbled. No, I heard him refer to her as "Joe". No doubt!! It is really is a sad thing to see his dementia and his lack of understanding decline so rapidly due to his age. Bernie is two years older but looks and sounds years younger. Also, don't forget AOC giving a glowing reccomendation of Bernie, as if he had any chance now, or in 2016, of getting the nomination.

  Of course, third night was all the Ugandan Loon's time. To explain this to the non wrestling fans. Kamala, the Ugandan Warrior, was a wrestler that recently passed away. He was big back in the 80's in WWE mostly.  So I refer to Kamala Harris as the Ugandan loon. She has slept her way to the top all her life. She accuses Joe of being racist and pro busing back in the 70's, then fawns all over him when he choses her as VP. Funny that the liberal, socialist, youthful movement, BLM, anti Police party has an old white guy running for President and a former prosecuter who was pro police back in her bedroom days running for VP. Of course politics has become nothing but hypocrisy and watching out for yourself. Politics do make strange bedfellows, esp. in the case of Harris. :)

 Tonight is the big night when Joe accepts the nomination. I am wondering what the over/under is for him getting through it with a clean speech. I would not take that bet. If you can't bring yourself to vote for Trump, then do the Country a favor and either vote Third Party(such as my Constitution Party) or stay at home. Please, under NO circumstances for for Biden/Harris...not unless you want to help destroy the USA.

  Thank you all fo reading and listening to my rants and ravings. May God Bless you and keep you and, no matter what, PLEASE pray for our Country. We need it very, very badly.

 Clay Moorer, Assistant Editor of the Treehous of Liberty Media Blog.

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