Tuesday, August 25, 2020

My speech if I could address the RNC

(Photo credit: Carolyn Kaster, Associated Press)

Senators and Congressmen, Governors, Delegates, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is my high honor and distinct privilege to stand before you today in support of our president, Donald John Trump.

When President Trump came down that escalator, we knew the American political landscape was about to change for good. Even if he was not elected, there was going to be an honest conversation about our successes and failures, our beauty marks and our warts, the ugly parts of our growth as a nation and our beautiful story that is the envy of the world.

As time went on and it became more likely that a rebel outsider would at least become the republican nominee, more and more of us began to get on board. We would rally behind a man who isn't afraid of the truth, who recognized the exceptionalism of these great United States, and who would vow to make us great again.

President Trump stood in stark contrast to the angry discourse of Hillary Clinton. While she called Trump supporters a "basket of deplorables" he laid out his vision for rebuilding our economy. While she called him -- and us -- racists, he spoke of his plan to truly deliver justice for all.

It's funny. Every four years, democrats call the republican nominee racist. It's become so common that it's shocking anyone still listens. But they do. Unfortunately, the democrat propaganda machine that is our national media, convinces those too lazy or too -- let's be honest -- stupid to do their own research that republicans are all evil white people out to destroy minorities.

They disregard great black republican leaders like Sen. Tim Scott. They dismiss the youngest chief of neurosurgery in the history of Johns Hopkins Hospital as an "Uncle Tom." They forget about people like the beautiful and brilliant Candace Owens. They bury their heads in the sand when Bob Woodson says that low-income black Americans are being, "hustled and bamboozled and swindled" by democrats.

But it's not just people and ideas they disregard. They completely ignore results.

In just four years, President Trump oversaw the lowest unemployment for African-Americans in the history of the United States. Same for Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women, youth, and the disabled. Everyone else saw their lowest level of unemployment since Neil Armstrong -- Boiler up!! -- took his one small step.

Black Americans also reached their highest ever point on the prosperity index, benefited from President Trump's prison and police reform initiatives, and received a richer and longer commitment to historically black colleges and universities than from any other president in the history of the United States. The president further created "opportunity zones" in largely black inner city neighborhoods where democrat leadership has failed them for decades.

If Mr. Trump is a racist, he is the absolute worst racist in American presidential history.

Contrast that with democrat nominee, Joe Biden.

Mr. Biden was harshly criticized by his own running mate for opposing busing in the late 70s. At that time he said he opposed because he didn't want his children to grow up, "in a racial jungle."

Can you imagine if a republican used the word "jungle" to describe growing up around black Americans? His or her political career would be over instantly -- and rightfully so. But democrats excuse that as Joe being Joe. His running mate excuses it to advance her own political career. Far too often, when blatantly racist language is used, it's by a democrat. And far too often, the democrat party excuses it completely.

I know what you're thinking. You can't hold something a man said 43 years ago against him. Fine. No problem.

He has recently implied that black people are all the same, and flat out said that if a black American doesn't vote for him then "you ain't black."

I guess we shouldn't expect anything else from a man who called Robert Byrd, a former grand cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan a "friend and mentor." If those are the people you allow to shape your life, it's a relative certainty that the racist statements I mentioned are among Biden's tamest.

Further, have you noticed that when the former vice president makes a racist comment, there is no searching for words, no stumbling and fumbling, none of the cognitive impairment he seems to display at other times? It's almost as if racist language is muscle memory for him from using it so often.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you choose Joe Biden's racist comments over President Trump's indisputable success in improving the lives of our African-American brothers and sisters, you can still be black, or Hispanic, or Asian, or any other ethnicity. You just can't be very smart.

But it's not just on matters of race that President Trump is the far superior candidate.

Under Obama and Biden, ISIS' caliphate included much of the Middle East. Under President Trump, the caliphate is gone, ISIS is defeated, and the Taliban has sworn off Al Qaeda.

Under Obama and Biden, Vladimir Putin stole Crimea from Ukraine. Under President Trump, Putin knows he'd better not attempt such a thing.

Under Obama and Biden, Kim Jong Un regularly lobbed missiles over American allies. Under President Trump, that has all but ceased.

Under Obama and Biden, we were told to get used to a new economic normal and that manufacturing jobs weren't coming back. Under President Trump, those jobs have come back, and the stock market has hit over 200 record highs.

Under Obama and Biden, we were to give them our money because they know better what to do with it. Under President Trump, 87% of Americans benefited from the largest return of their own income to them in U.S. history.

Under Obama and Biden, their signature legislation increased health insurance premiums for Americans by 200%. President Trump has driven costs down on both insurance and medications, and gotten rid of the unconstitutional mandate.

Under Obama and Biden, national pride was viewed as being xenophobic. Under President Trump, making and keeping America great is a way of life.

The only way we keep America great in this time is to ensure that the president of the United States, Donald Trump, is reelected. Or you can vote for the racism and nationwide terrorism of the leftists. I will be voting FOR my country, not against it. And I urge you to do the same.

1 comment:

You want to run a negative campaign? Probably not a good idea.

American political history dictates that if you're clearly losing an election, the best -- if not only -- thing you can do is go negativ...