Thursday, August 27, 2020

 Last week I gave my thoughts and jabs about the DNC. This week it is the RNC's turn.  Between the two, the RNC felt more energetic and more pro American. All the Left Wing MSM loons say that the RNC was "dark"..maybe because there were a lot of minorities that showed up to show how the Dems take minorities for granted. The Inner cities are the Planrtations and the Dem leaders are the new Plantation owners.  Not my words, rather the words of Ben Carson, Black Nuerologist and Political figure. Libs feel as long as they support the minorities and illegals with Govt. "cheese" then they will be blind, or ignorant, enough to vote for them.

 Night one set the tone for the week. A lot of upbeat and positive speeches from a lot of minorities,  Such as Herschel Walker (GO DAWGS!) saying that he is offended that they call Trump a racist when he has known Trump for 27 years and calls him friend. Guess Uncle Joe doesn't think Herschel is really black. Tim Scott, another minority, gave a great speech that hit it out of the park. " My family went from cotton to Congress because of the American dream". But night one wasn't all smooth. I found that as beautful as Kimberly Guilfoye looks, she kind of went a lot bonkers shouting her message to an empty room. A little too toney. lol And Kim Klevinger needs to be elected in Baltimore, she is a ball of fire and I really believe she will bring that city around. But, being a Republican Black woman, may not sway the votes from the loons in that city.

Night two was pretty good as well. On both nights one and two, Trump appeared and talked to normal folks and heroes. Doctors, Nurses, Police and fire all were represented as Trump talked to them about their service and their jobs. And he also pardoned a former felon (black by the way), on live TV for his service in helping other felons get their lives together. He talked with several captives he got released and I was surprised to find out thar 50 have been released under his Presidency. The Art of the Deal :). Also, He personally welcomed and gave citizenship papers to 5 immigrants who did it the RIGHT way, NOT the LIBERAL way. More minority speakers were given the chance to say their piece, including Nikki Haley who is going to be a rising star in the years to come. And how frustrating was it for CNN and MSNBC NOT to be able to comment on the young man, Nick Sandmann, because to do so would cost them a boatload more money than they are already having to pay. Bet a lot of dogs were kicked by liberal MSM at the end of their day. lol Second night ended with Melania Trump giving a great speech. Her accent and unfamiliarity with public speaking were noticeable but she overcame those with an inspiring speech. And yes, Trump came out and hugged her afterward but I didn't hear him call her by HIS name.... as Uncle Joe did with his wife at the DNC. LOL

 Finally came Wed. night, the Pence night. He gave a great speech and it gave me chills to see him standing at Fort McHenry where our National Anthem was written long ago during a battle against the British. Bet BLM, libs and ANTIFA were steaming to see that Patriotism. :)  And to see the wounded Vets rise from their wheelchairs and walkers to stand for the National Anthem was inspiring.  TAKE THAT PRO SPORTS KNEELERS!  Prnce is so calm, he is a great balance versus the fire and aggressiveness of Trump. They make a good team. 

Tomorrow night will be the Trump address. Just as I did not cover the Biden address last week, I won't cover the Trump one either. Hopefully you can see the difference between a Conservative Law and Order, Make American Great platform and an anti American, pro rioters and looters platform. I pray that night four can go on as planned but Hurricane Laura is a wild card. Praying for all those in Louisiana and Texas that are in the path of this dangerous storm.

In conclusion, the RNC was much better focused and much better produced than the DNC. Yes, I am a Conservative but I am NOT a huge Trump supporter. I just think that being pro American, positive, talking with simple folks (loggers, metal workers, farmers, nurses, doctors, etc.) is a lot more interesting and inspiring than listening to a bunch of phoney baloney celebrities and athletes who care nothing about the USA and trash Police and Military. :( . As I said lasr week, if you cannot bring yourself to pull the lever for Trump. then either vote Third Pafty or stay at home. We cannot afford a Biden/Harris, liberal, Socialist, anti American ticket. NEVER!!! Thank you for listening, all feedback is welcome. God Bless the USA!!!! 

Clay Moorer, Associate Editor of Treehouse  of Liberty Media.

Associate editor of Treehouse of Liberty 

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