Friday, October 30, 2020

Final Electoral Map

It's that time. Here is my final electoral map. I'm sure you'll have a few states that you disagree with me on, but that's what's fun about any type of prognostication.

I started the map by filling in all of the automatic blue states. California, New England, and Illinois were all easy to pick. D.C. and Virginia are pretty easy to call too.

Then I moved on to the sure-fire red states -- much of the South and Midwest.

With most of my coloring done, it was time to tackle the swing states, and there are more of them than in most election seasons. Up for grabs to at least some extent were North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Texas, Pennsylvania and Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and a few others. I also turned Oregon red. This is the only map I've seen that makes that bold prediction. I just can't imagine that the people in the state's main population center -- Portland -- would vote blue after essentially being occupied by leftist terrorists for four months.

I took the same view of Michigan. Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer is so unpopular there was actually a plot to kidnap and potentially kill her. Certainly those right-wing terrorists do not represent the entire state, but there is vast dissension in the ranks. 

Ultimately I ended up with President Donald Trump being reelected with 289 electoral votes to former Vice President Joe Biden's 240. This is a wider spread than most predictions, but the Trafalgar Group, which correctly called Trump's victory in 2016, has it 280 to 249 for the president. I'll consider myself within the margin of error.

What say you? 270 to Win is a great site that will let you color your own map. Share it here, and let's see who gets it right. I certainly hope the right gets it.

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