Thursday, October 22, 2020

My Cancer and the biggest cancer of all, liberalism in the USA

 Dear  Fans,

 As you probabky know (from the OUTSTANDING and HEARTFELT blog Jason wote) I have been diagnosed with Cancer of the kidney and lymph glands. But I have outstanding Faith in the Lord, My doctor, my family and my awesome friends(Like Jason) and I will beat this if God chooses to let me. But enough about me lets talk about what will happen if Biden wins next month :(

 Uncle Joe has dementia and is bordering on Alzeimers..make no mistake about it. His elevator does not go to the top floor. I am not making fun of him, in fact, I feel sorry for him. He has allowed the anti American Dem Party to use him to their advantage. Do not kid yourself, if the libs take over this Country, we are doomed. Socialism and out of control Govt. Spending WILL raise your taxes and drain your bank account. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT! 

And a Green New Deal will collapse the market and industry. Why so many do not see this is a mystery to me. They are either too lazy, too ignorant, too uncaring or too Anti American to realize the destruction a vote for the Left will bring on this Country. I have a lot of friends and family that do not care for the attitude and demeanor of Trump. I agree sometimes. He needs to be cooler and let the media and interviewers trap themselves instead of trying to trap them himself. It is so easy to make the media and the Left look like fools. All you have to do is give them some rope and stand back. They will hang themselves...EVERYTIME!

 Let me close by saying that I respect and Love everyone, even libs. (like is another matter entirely) They have a choice to make like everyone else. BUT, whatever choice any of us make, we have to live with it and accept the consequences. That is why you need to study and research the situation before blindly casting a vote for someone because they hate Trump or they love Trump.  If you don't want to vote for Trump then that is your choice. But then either stay at home or vote a third party my choice, Don Blankenship of the US Constitution Party. But remember this if you remember NOTHING ELSE...a vote FOR BIDEN is a vote AGAINST AMERICA . Plain and simple truth and fact. Don't believe me? Wait and see what happens if he wins. May God Bless us double if that happens. Thank you all for reading, use your brain, not your heart, when you vote. And do not let hatred of Trump cast your ballot for you. God Bless us, everyone!!

Cancer fighter extrodinare and Associate editor of the TOL blog, Clay Moorer

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