Thursday, October 22, 2020

We're not happy, but we're hopeful: Beat this Clay!

 We here at the Treehouse of Liberty Times come before you today with a mixture of bad news and overwhelming hope. My dear friend, and ToL Times Associate Editor, Mr. Clay Moorer, has been diagnosed with kidney cancer. Before I continue, I must say that Clay did not authorize me to make this post, nor does he know I am writing it. But as he said yesterday about sharing the news on Facebook, "No secrets. I'm not a liberal." He made me laugh in a time of concern, which is exactly who Clay is to me.

For those of you who don't know Clay, I'm sincerely sorry about your bad luck. He is quite simply the epitome of selflessness, of everything you could hope a good friend would be, and a man of a great faith (which makes up the core of who he is.) He has two adorable grandsons, of whom he is rightfully one proud granddad. He is a former United States Army MP, and his love of country is unparalleled in my experience.

I met Clay via a friend on Facebook. I sent him a friend request because he seemed like a pretty good guy. I didn't know the half of it then. Since, he has become one of my most reliable friends. He has appeared several times on the Treehouse of Liberty Podcast, and frankly is the driving force behind the Treehouse of Liberty Times.

If it sounds like I'm writing an obituary, I can assure you I absolutely am not. I know that Clay will tackle this challenge with the same ferocity he verbally eviscerates the left. Rather, I am humbly asking that you keep our friend in your thoughts and prayers, send him your best juju, positive thoughts, whatever is the best way for you to send him your energy.

Our Good Lord has in no way written Clay's last chapter. I can assure you that when the next one is written, he will be right here, writing it himself.

Much love, brother. I look forward to the great news of your complete victory.

-- Jason Fornwalt, ToL Editor, and more importantly Clay's friend


  1. Thank you my friend!! You are awesome. Love ya Brother

  2. I'm sorry I'm just seeing this. I love you too brother man. You've got this. And I'll be here...on your six.


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