Friday, November 27, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless America

  Thanksgiving has come and gone another year. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and got to spend special time with those you love. It has been a tough year for everyone. Grandparents and family members have died without the family around them. I understand the reason for this but it is still sad and hurtful. I have Renal Cancer and I am blessed that my daughters and grandsons are close enough to spend time with them. I cannot imagine if I died without being able to have them around my bedside. But not everyone is as fortunate. In fact, I read an article where some seniors in a nursing home said they would rather risk covid in order to see their families. Being alone AND sick has got to be the worst thing in the World. People should be allowed to make their own decisions without Government telling them what to do and what they can't do. And by the way, if you are one of those that are waiting for a President, Governor, Mayor or other elected official to show you the way,,then you have zero common sense and should stay out of the voting box. Left, Right or Center, use your own brain and your own decisions...if not, then why are you even walking the earth? Mentally lazy people and apathetic voters are the worst kind of people in the World. Sorry if the truth hurts, deal with it.

  I miss the American I grew up in. Yeah, we didn't have a perfect society and we had our share of problems but we worked together to solve them. If you had a beef with another kid, you met after school behind the gym and settled it with your fists. No one took a gun and shot up a whole school or neighborhood because they were "angry" or felt disrespected. You were polite and courteous to the police and they were usually polite and courteous back to you. You and your friends didn't burn down neighbor hoods and loot business while throwing stuff at the police. Not so today, just shows that more advanced doesn't translate to smarter. Quite the opposite. Idiocy and lunacy reign in today's world. Take some freaking responsibilty yourself and quit blaming your problems on everyone else. 

  In closing, let me say that I am PROUD to be an American and I love this Country despite our faults and shortcomings. A lot of you THINK you do, but your actions and your selfish attitudes show otherwise.  I know this is a little spicier than I usually post but I am so tired of our flag and our Country taking a beating from those that pretend to love the USA and really want to destroy Her. Yes, I am talking to you, liberals. If the shoe fits, WHICH IT DOES, then wear it! As for those of you that voted for Biden, you laid down with the dog so don't complain about your fleas. Trump may not be smooth and calm, but he is a true lover of America. Haven't seen any liberals shouting..USA USA USA!! Feel free to post proof to prove me wrong..I am waiting!! God Bless America,always!!!! Thank you for reading.

Clay Moorer, Associate editor of the Treehouse of Liberty Blog and defender of our Great Country from ALL enemies, foreign and liberal..(Sorry I meant domestic) 

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