Thursday, December 10, 2020

It's Time: How We Can Have a Legitimate Third Party

It's time. For decades most of America said, "We need an outsider to be president; someone who's not a politician." We did that. Most of America is still saying we need a legitimate third party to compete with the tired old democrats and republicans. It is my firmly-held belief that the time has come to make that happen.

The problem with creating a third party has always been having enough voter support to make it viable. That has now happened. Let's pretend that the 74 million votes Donald Trump received is the actual number. According to an MSNBC report, there are 239.2 eligible voters in the United States. (Note: That does not mean registered; simply the number eligible.) Allegedly, 155 million or so voted in the 2020 election. Seventy-four million voters make up nearly half of that total.

Donald Trump has more support than any presidential candidate in our history (besides Joe Biden, maybe) -- nearly 10 million more votes than Barack Obama's best total. The movement is real. It is powerful. And it is one that can revolutionize the United States of America.

So let's say that Trump can take 2/3 of his 74 million 2020 voters with him and create the America First Party. That's nearly 50 million supporters. Look again at how many votes were cast this year -- 155 million. Even taking 2/3 of his voters with him, Trump would control about 1/3 of the electorate...which would now consist of three parties. The math works pretty well in his favor.

Now consider the fact that Donald Trump has an intense passion for this nation and its people. You don't take the most difficult, most stressful position on planet earth -- and take no salary -- unless your heart is in the right place. We also know that Trump is a master marketer, and that there is zero chance he will just sit around for the next four years. Enter the America First News Network. Using the same name as the party, he maintains consistent branding. And by emphasizing easy-to-grasp stories that most Americans can support (the success of all demographics, energy independence, peace in the Middle East, no new military conflicts, soaring markets) and pursuing the stories the mainstream media will not, he would expand his brand even further.

Since AFNN would be covering things like Joe Biden's confession to a quid pro quo in Ukraine, the Hunter laptop story, the fact that there is a corroborating witness, $1.5 billion to the Biden's from the Chinese government, there would likely be some erosion of support from the democrat base. Some of them may even jump ship and become America First Party members. The numbers would only increase from that starting position of 50 million. There would be a legitimate opportunity for the AFP to become the largest party in the country.

Over and above that, there would be republicans that caucus with the AFP. Someone like Ted Cruz may not make the jump, but I'm almost certain he'd have no issues with joining a Trump-led majority. Afterall, he has agreed to represent the president if the Supreme Court takes up the Texas case.

At some point, we have to say we've had enough. We're awfully close to that point. We've watched leftist terrorists burn, loot, and murder all year. We've watched "never Trump" republicans sabotage what we've worked so hard for. And we've seen leftist politicians do all they can to dismantle an American hero while supporting Biden's true filth entirely.

None of those people represent hard-working, America-loving, God-fearing, mainstream Americans. And believe me, we ARE still the majority. It is time to take our future into our own hands, and stand behind a man who can legitimately lead the charge. Sure, there will be people who scream bloody murder about a party called "America First," just like they did about "Make America Great Again." I'm glad the First Amendment allows them to identify themselves as people we want no part of. 

The America First Party. As Captain Jean-Luc Picard would say, "Make it so."

-- Jason Fornwalt, editor, Treehouse of Liberty Times


  1. you know how I feel about third parties..BRING IT ON!! Great blog my friend

  2. Great Blog my friend. We need a third party now more than ever. If we don't get one..I fear for our Country.


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