Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Our Country Is In Serious Trouble :(

 Good day all and I hope everyone is having a great start to their New Year. Hopefully, 2021 will be a complete turn around of 2020.  On a personal update, my cancer is about the same. Will be going into my third treatment next week so please continue to keep me in your thoughts and prayers.I still have some good days and some not so good days but The Lord is with me always and I have ABSOLUTE Faith and trust in Him. But, enough about me, lets get to a more important topic..the survival of our Country.

 As you may have heard, things look bleak in my home state of Georgia. Reverand Warnock has beaten Kelly Loeffler for the one senate seat and it looks as though Osoff will beat Purdue for the other. This will give the Dems a 50-50 tie in the Senate and with incoming VP Kamala Harris as the tie breaker, the Left now controls all 3 sections of Govt. Now I am a Staunch Conservative but even I know that when any Party, Reps or Dems, control all 3 then it is never good for the Country. And with the platform and agenda of the modern day Dem Party, it is doubly dangerous. I fear for my Country and my fellow citizens and in the following paragraphs I will explain why. Our editor and good friend, Jason Fornwalt, would be posting some of this but he is taking this defeat of our values and liberties a little harder than I am. So I know he won't mind me taking some advantage here. Love you my Brother! Keep Faith in God.

 Climate change is one area where The Left has taken a strong support. I am all for a clean and healthy planet but I also believe you don't need a root canal when a filling will do the trick. The Left wants to sink money into several different "alternate energy" ideas, including solar, wind and corn husks. Can't wait to see how these power ships and planes much less automobiles and the trucking industry. To completely turn away from nuclear, oil and natural gas is insane and idiotic. For one thing, other countries will never match us in "clean energy" and they are the main problem, not the USA. We will go back to the Paris accord which is just a vacuum cleaner for other countries to suck hard earned, tax paying dollars from our citizens. Money which should be going to our people and our problems. Tell me which OTHER Countries tax their citizens to support OUR Country..I will wait........ Since before the seventies we have been preaching doom and gloom about the planet and I guarantee in 50 years we will STILL be preaching doom and gloom.  I don't know everything but, I do know the Paris Accord and the plans of the Left are NOT the answer.

 Another agenda of the Socialist radical Left is Universal Healthcare. This would be a huge HUGE mistake for our Country. Yeah, we would get GOVT. control of healthcare but tell me..what has the GOVT. ever done better than the private sector ? Waiting.........In addition to the fiasco of scheduling and priority, the costs would be out of this Universe. When Biden and his cronies tell you that increased taxes on the wealthy and business will pay for it..they are simply W-R-O-N-G. There is not enough taxation in the World to pay for  Universal Healthcare. Yeah, your healthcare may be free but enjoy your pup tents and canned spam cause that is all you will be able to afford after taxes. ANYONE that believes otherwise is either ignorant or an idiot loon..I will let you choose which you are. PLAIN AND SIMPLE TRUTH!!!!

 Police, Military and Second amendment rights will also be damaged by the Left. A lot of my friends, some liberal, have automatic and semi-automatic weapons. The Dems have already swore to take these away, I just hope my liberal friends resist as much as my Conservative friends. Gun ownership is a RIGHT! Guaranteed by the Second Amendment. LEAVE our guns alone and concentrate on mental health laws and suicidal depression instead. THEY are the real problems, not the guns. Military will be affected as well. Cuts in personal and closure of bases will only take us back to the Obama days when our military was weak and depleted. We need a strong military and Space Program, two things libs absolutely hate. And police? Wanting to send social workers for domestic disputes?  I come from a home where the police had to be called more than once to help my mom. My stepfather was cruel and mean when he was drunk and I was glad that men with guns showed up. If some 100 pound social worker had shown up with a folder and a smile, they may have been in the hospital as well. Already we are seeing thousands of police quitting and new classes of police recruits greatly diminshed. All because the Left wants to fund BLM marches and statue destruction instead of a strong police force to keep us safe. Yes, better training is needed but cutting money will NOT get that done. If you voted Dem this time around, I respect your right and desire to do so..but you are damaging our Country by supporting the LEFT. Sorry if the TRUTH hurts!

Finally, lets talk Covid. Yes it is real and a danger and people have died from it. But I have several friends that are nurses and hospital workers and they are telling me that people are dying from other diseases and yet, if they test positive for covid their death is required by LAW to be reported as a Covid death. Like anything and everything else, this has been blown up to be a political football. The Libs want you to believe that shutting down the economy and giving up certain personal liberties and rights are neccesary to defeat the disease. Yeah, I don't want to see any of you get sick but I also do NOT want to see any of you lose your rights and individualities. Stay safe and stay smart. Take the precautions you feel you need to but do not let any elected official or overzealous doctor coerce you into something that is not needed. And if you are waiting for ANY politician to set the example on masks or anything else, then you are a TRUE SHEEP!!! Get ready to be sheared. Use your own common sense,,,well. libs seem to have none but please do the best you can with what little brains and love of Country you have left. Wow, I am letting Jason rub off on  If we cannot reclaim our Country and liberty, then, sadly, the AMMO BOX will be opened and their will be a renewal of the Tree of Liberty. Hopefully enough of you will wise up by 2022 to let the House and Senate be taken back by the Conservatives, not stay in the hands of the loony Left.

 I could go on and on but these are some rights and liberties that have been put in GRAVE danger because you hated Trump and the Republicans so much you voted for anti Americans instead. SHAME ON YOU! Anyone that cares to respond whether you agree with me or not, please do so. I respect difference of opinion and would love to hear your side and then show you where you are wrong. That is a challenge to my liberal readers. Thank you for reading and may the Lord Bless you and your family in this New Year. AND as ALWAYS, God Bless the USA!!


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