Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Terrorism and Leftist Hypocrisy

 The Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots of 2020 were the single most expensive man-made disaster in American history; costing insurance companies over $4 billion. At least 25 people were killed. More than 2,000 police officers were injured. Leftist terrorists seized parts of two American cities -- Portland and Seattle. I'm sure you remember all of the prominent democrats who condemned it all. Oh, you don't? Well maybe that's because they didn't.

In fact, quite the contrary happened. Now Vice President Kamala Harris said the riots "won't stop and shouldn't stop." Now President Joe Biden and democrat congressman Jerry Nadler said that Antifa was an idea not a group -- while they burned our cities. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said, "I can't believe there aren't uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be." Chants of "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon," and "What do we want? Dead Cops. When do we want them? Now," were the rallying cries as the leftist terrorists laid waste to neighborhood after neighborhood.

Retired Chicago police officer, David Dorn, was shot and killed while trying to protect a friend's business from the rioters. Mr. Dorn, a black man, apparently didn't have enough pigment in his skin for his life to matter to any leftist. Not one prominent democrat politician said anything about him. BLM was content with his death because they saw him as blue, not black.

Not a single leftist politician stepped up and said, "Hey, can we not murder cops, burn the country down, kill and injure a bunch more people, and capture U.S. territory like an invading force? That would be great." Not one condemned the deaths of law enforcement officers or mourned them at all. They justified those deaths, singing about persecution of some sort, implying these heroic men and women deserved to be gunned down.

Asked directly about the riots in a presidential debate, Joe Biden said only, "Violence is never the answer, but let me talk to the American people..." and quickly changed the subject. He would not condemn Black Lives Matter terrorists. He would not condemn Antifa terrorists. He would not condemn the leftist looting, burning, murdering, hordes of the most un-American people you could ever hope to see on your nightly talk box. (That is, when the nightly talk box decided to show you the violence. When they did, they told you the protests were "mostly peaceful," as buildings burned in the background.)

The leftist terrorists attacked everything and everyone -- businesses, homes, churches, it didn't matter. (Remember when burning churches was a heinous and unthinkable crime? Yeah. It was hardly mentioned when it was BLM and Antifa doing it.)

For a year, our country was wrecked by people who wouldn't vote for Trump if their lives depended on it. Democrat "leaders" were either silent or outright supportive. Either posture is heinous to take. It is un-American. It is ANTI-American. And it is not something that should EVER be tolerated in our highest halls of government.

Contrast that with the "Capitol insurrection."

Approximately 200 of the 500-600,000 thousand Trump supporters assembled that day entered the Capitol building. Estimating on the high side, that amounts to 0.04% of the gathered crowd. If ever the words "mostly peaceful" were just to use during a display of violence, it was then. 99.96% of the of the people who attended were peaceful. Your move, BLM and Antifa riots. But no. According to the leftists and their propaganda machine, this was an insurrection -- a real attempt to take control of the United States.


I'm not the sharpest tool in the drawer, but if you have 500-600,000 troops, and you want to take over a country, do you send 200 of them or 600,000? If it was me, I'm sending everyone. Strike hard, strike fast, get it over with. (Of course I would never support an insurrection against the United States. It's sad that I even have to say that.)

Now. That is not to say that the attack on the Capitol was OK. It's not. At all. It was a terrorist attack. Terrorism is legally defined as "using violence to affect political change." That is precisely what happened on January 6.

The difference is that right-wing politicians and pundits condemned the attack immediately. They didn't wait to see who was responsible. They didn't wonder if condemning the violence would be politically expedient. They condemned it and left no uncertainty. From President Trump, to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, from Mark Levin to your humble writer and podcaster, we damned it. We cursed it. We said it was wrong. We believe that terrorism is always wrong. That is just one of the many things that makes us better than the modern leftists.

So what happens now? President Trump is impeached for inciting an insurrection against the United States. Yes. The same President Trump who told his supporters to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue and protest "peacefully and patriotically." Where are we as a country when chants to murder cops are perfectly acceptable, where burning our cities is encouraged, where looting and injuring thousands OK, but protesting "peacefully and patriotically" is not? I'm not sure I want to be on this planet anymore if those are the rules.

Whatsmore, the same people who approved of chants to murder police officers gave Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick -- who died in the Jan. 6 attack -- the privilege of lying in honor in the Capitol rotunda. He should have. I'm glad that he did. I just wish congressional democrats had done the same for David Dorn. I wish they'd have honored the two Los Angeles County deputies who were shot in the face in an attempted execution. I wish they'd have said that murdering cops was a bad idea at any point last year. Frankly, I think it is VILE that they used Officer Sicknick's death to make a pathetic political statement.

I was disgusted by the attack on the seat of our government. But I was also disgusted by the year's worth of attacks on mom and pop stores, peace officers, businesses, churches, homes, and the heart of our country. I never dreamed that Americans would cause more financial damage to this country than 9/11. I abhor the fact that leftist politicians and media outlets are just fine with that. How are you fit to serve in our government if you don't damn that in the clearest, most uncertain terms, and condemn BY NAME the leftist terrorist groups responsible?

But alas, even though the FBI (and even CNN) has said that the attack on the Capital was pre-planned and that they had advance notice, and even though President Trump offered 10,000 National Guard troops for crowd control and protection on Jan. 6, and even though the mass, severity, and support for the leftist terrorists far exceed the Capitol attack, they impeach Trump. The democrats skate. Their support of terrorism against the United States goes unchecked.

I propose a new slogan. "What do we want? Intelligent, honest, consistent democrats. When do we want them? Now."

I'm certain my wish won't be granted. Ever.

-- Jason Fornwalt, editor, Treehouse of Liberty Times


You want to run a negative campaign? Probably not a good idea.

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