Sunday, February 14, 2021

Congress shows its idiocy once again

 Good day folks, thanks for taking a chance and reading this blog. I hope it informs you and that you get some new perspective out of it. Whether you agree or disagree with my posts, it is always an honor to have a piece of your time. 

   Well, impeachment round 2 is over and it is the result that all sane and rational people expected. For the Left to think they could get 66 votes out of the Senate to impeach Trump was dumb, stupid, ignorant and a fantasy. No way were 16 Republicans going to vote guilty. It was a HUGE waste of time and money, just as the first one was. Time and money that could have been better spent on more pressing and more concerning problems that face our great Country. The fear that Trump instills in the Left is both funny and mysterious. The only thing I can think of as to why they want to further try and discredit the man is they are scared to death of him running in 2024.  Maybe now the Dems can focus their feeble efforts on trying and make this Country a better place for citizens to live. But, I highy doubt it.

 On a Treehouse of Liberty podcast last week, a friend of the show had some interesting insight as to how the 1 percent actually run and control the USA.  I agree with some of what he said. There is a top tier of business men and profiteers that control what most of us see, hear and digest mentally. Their forte is keeping the Country decisive so that we "little people" use our time talking about Left vs Right. I have a theory about Trump and the rough 4 years he had in his presidency. If you listen to the next TOL  podcast I will share these with you. I know, a tough 

  We desperately need term limits in Congress. But, even though 80 percent of Americans want that too, the fly in the oinment is,Congress itself, Congress would have to pass the bill into law. That is like asking turkeys to vote to keep Thanksgiving around. :(  We need to pray hard for our Country and our elected Representatives. The idea of "We the People" has become nonexistent among Congress and other elected officials.

  Thank you for reading and thank you for your valuable time, May God Bless the USA and may God bless each and every one of us. Clay Moorer, Assistant editor of the Treehouse of Liberty Blog.

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