Tuesday, October 11, 2022

You want to run a negative campaign? Probably not a good idea.

American political history dictates that if you're clearly losing an election, the best -- if not only -- thing you can do is go negative. Ignore the fact that voters are not choosing you, for reasons that are clear and obvious, and attack the other guy. If that fails too, throw in a wedge issue that really isn't a priority for many people, and pray for the best. Attack, attack, attack. Call the other side names. Heck, use the same word to describe your political opponents as you use to describe the 9/11 hijackers. And who cares if a few of them are murdered because of your dangerous rhetoric? Continue to talk about how evil it is to say "peacefully and patriotically" as Trump did to the Jan. 6 crowd.

Democrat candidates have ceased even trying to have a meaningful debate with the American people. And as you have no doubt noticed, EVERY democrat candidate in a tight race has distanced him or herself as far as humanly possible from President Joe Biden. They know his policies have destroyed the middle class, subjugated ALL Afghan women to their male masters, led to a second war in Ukraine on his watch, emboldened our enemies, and evaporated the confidence of our allies.

Here's the problem with going negative if you're a Democrat. The truthful negative stories about YOU are more plentiful than at any point for ANY group in American history.

If I was a republican candidate, I'd have to pay for a 30-minute infomercial to get all of their mistakes in. There's no way in hell a 30-second add would cut it. Among the things I'd get to discuss:

A vote for democrats is a vote for the highest gas prices in U.S. history.

A vote for democrats is a vote for the worst inflation in 40 years.

A vote for democrats is a vote to continue their OFFICIAL unilateral recession. (We've had two negative quarters of GDP growth. That is, always has been, and always will be the definition of a recession. The same people who are saying we're not in a recession now are the same people who saying we were when George W. Bush had two consecutive quarters of GDP growth.)

A vote for democrats is a vote for submitting all Taliban women to their male masters. They can now be arrested for walking too loudly outside. Yes, really.

A vote for democrats is a vote for Vladimir Putin's second invasion of Ukraine on Joe Biden's watch. Every inch Putin has gained and every Ukrainian life lost occurred while Joe Biden was in charge of U.S.-Ukraine policy.

A vote for democrats is a vote to withhold defense money from Ukraine, as Biden did until Hunter's prosecutor was fired.

A vote for democrats is a vote to cease using American oil; instead begging our enemies to keep us afloat. (Note: When Joe Biden was caught buying oil from Russia, he immediately turned to Russia's staunch ally Venezuela for oil. Not only has Biden ALLOWED two Ukraine invasions by Putin, he is literally FINANCING this one.)

A vote for democrats is a vote to support a man who is clearly not mentally competent, shakes hands with imaginary people, stumbles over the simplest phrases, and can't figure out how to get off a stage (that he obviously got onto) when he's finished speaking.

A vote for democrats is a vote for a man who almost never speaks to the media, despite getting more preferential treatment from them than any president not named Obama. Meanwhile, Trump faced the most hostile media in U.S. history and spoke to them virtually every day.

A vote for democrats is a vote for the elimination of cash bail. Criminals are one of the democrats' "special" groups, and they demonstrate that clearly by aiding them in every way possible.

A vote for democrats is a vote for a "pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon" approach to law enforcement. It's a vote to defund police, and hope the social worker sent to help you while you're being raped or murdered can talk your assailant down.

A vote for democrats is a vote for race-based law enforcement. If you're white and killed by a cop, good. If you're black and killed by a cop, even justifiably, well, everyone stay indoors. There's probably going to be some serious burning, looting, murdering taking place. (Ashli Babbitt was the ONLY person murdered on Jan. 6. She was unarmed when she was gunned down by a black Capitol police officer. The left's view of that is simple: good. Had she been a black unarmed protester gunned down by a white cop, the country would STILL be on fire.)

A vote for democrats is a vote for the 574 BLM and Antifa terrorist attacks on the United States in the summer of 2020 alone. Those terrorist attacks caused $4.3 billion in property damage, 36+ murders, 2000+ cops injured, and literal secession from the Union (Portland and Seattle) for the first time since the Civil War. NO prominent democrat has condemned ANY of these attacks, and Kamala Harris actually led the charge to bail out the people who committed these heinous crimes against our country.

(I will say that the police officer who killed George Floyd absolutely, unequivocally murdered him. There is NO excuse for what happened to Mr. Floyd. None. His criminal history is irrelevant. But there is likewise no excuse for the people who attacked us, when our system worked to absolute perfection in that case. There is also NO excuse for a party that claims to oppose all political violence for not damning every single one of those 574 attacks and literal secession in NO uncertain terms. Ergo...)

A vote for democrats is a vote for leftist terrorism against the United States.

A vote for democrats is a vote for Joe Biden, who called 75 million Americans "extremists" because we dare have the audacity to disagree with the fuehrer.

A vote for democrats is a vote for the people who CONTINUE to call 75 million Americans "extremists" even after Caleb Ellingsworth was murdered because of their heinous rhetoric. (His murderer justified his actions by saying he believed Ellingsworth was part of an "extremist" republican group. He wasn't, or those ties would be blasted over leftist Goebbels media outlets all day, every day.)

A vote for democrats is a vote against the Constitution of the United States. Our Founders provided us with a Second Amendment to protect us from tyranny. It's not surprising that the tyrant that is Joe Biden is promising to disarm us. Leftist social media outlets also shred the First Amendment by refusing to allow conservatives to speak freely, censoring truth, spreading lies, and manipulating our elections.

A vote for democrats is a vote for the democrat FBI's false Russian dossier used to try to steal the 2016 election, and later used to run a false coup attempt.

A vote for democrats is a vote for the second Trump impeachment, even though EVERY democrat who voted in favor knew Zelenskyy said he felt, "No pressure whatsoever" from Trump.

A vote for democrats is a vote for the unilateral Jan. 6 committee, which has violated all House norms and all standards of American jurisprudence. They did not allow the minority party to choose even ONE member, for the first time in House history. They have excluded ALL exonerating evidence, in violation of every standard of justice we have. They have taken every witness' testimony on tape so they could control which parts they release to the public and which they trash. If you're going to conduct public hearings, the standard is to conduct them PUBLICLY, not pick and choose which parts of a witness' testimony fits your predetermined outcome.

A vote for democrats is a vote to door kick political opponents you know you can't beat in a free and fair election, violating the Fourth Amendment.

A vote for democrats is a vote to allow democrats to have illegal servers, filled with classified material, hacked by Russian agents, compromising U.S. national security. You can't hack a box in a closet, folks.

A vote for democrats is a vote to allow democrats caught with said Russia-hacked illegal servers to destroy all of the evidence without prosecution.

A vote for democrats is a vote to hold Americans as political prisoners in solitary confinement without a trial for 20+ months, in violation of the U.N.'s standards on torture, and in violation of the constitutional right to a speedy trial.

A vote for democrats is a vote to force women to compete against biological men for scholarships, awards, and championships.

A vote for democrats is a vote to eliminate THEIR idea of "my body, my choice." Joe Biden ended that nonsense when he attempted to force EVERY American to take unproven vaccines against their will. He succeeded in doing so with all federal employees. He unilaterally eliminated the religious exemption -- another clear First Amendment violation.

A vote for democrats is a vote for higher corporate taxes, which will lead to higher consumer costs, worsening their already crippling inflation.

A vote for democrats is a vote for huge donations to their green buddies, under the guise of reducing inflation. Throwing massive amounts of money at pet projects will also make their inflation worse.

A vote for democrats is a vote to thieve the right of the States and the People to have their say on issues that are not in the Constitution. Overturning Roe (and even RBG said Roe was on "shaky legal ground") was based 100% on the 10th Amendment, and therefore decided unequivocally correctly. Democrats have promised to strike down the 10th Amendment by codifying Roe federally if they retain the majority.

A vote for democrats says that you agree, and that they should be the ones deciding important issues for us, not We the People deciding for ourselves.

A vote for democrats is a vote for a wide open border, human trafficking, rape, fentanyl on our streets killing 300 Americans per day, and pretending we can't figure out the "root cause." (Hint: It's the total ineptitude of this administration.)

A vote for democrats is a vote for the party of a man who said, "If you don't know if you're voting for me or for Trump, then you ain't black." It's a vote for the party of a man who said black Americans are a "racial jungle." It's a vote for the party of a man who proudly proclaimed that a KKK member was his "friend and mentor.

A vote for democrats is a vote for the party that founded the KKK and maintains its values today. You saw what happened when Ye West dared to speak out against their heinous racism.

A vote for democrats is a vote for people who literally believe the idea of making America great is incredibly offensive and an "extremist" position to take.

They've literally said it folks. They HATE the idea of making America great again. And we've seen the proof in their surrender to the Taliban, building them a modern army, making their women slaves to their male masters, and restoring the launching point for the 9/11 attacks. (They also tell us that Al Qaeda is gone from Afghanistan, but somehow, Al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri was killed there, and ISIS-K -- an Al Qaeda offshoot -- is known to be thriving there.)

So let me just say it. A vote for ANY democrat is a vote against the United States of America. And good luck to them on coming up with a comprehensive and factual list about why they think all these things are true of us. They should probably rethink going negative. They ARE a net negative to this country and the world.

-- Jason Fornwalt

Treehouse of Liberty Times, managing editor

Saturday, July 30, 2022

The Democrat assault on the Constitution they swore to protect

 Every federal employee, from the president of the United States to the janitor at a national park takes the same oath. To: "Protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic."

Most of us -- and I say "us" having served very humbly in the United States Army -- take our oath very seriously. As many of us will happily point out, we are NEVER relieved of said oath, and it remains in effect until our dying breath. (Longer if possible.)

Some, however, most of whom reside on the left side of the aisle these days, treat their oath as some insignificant hoop through which they must jump to get what they want, and to serve their own selfish needs.

Consider that the overturning of Roe v. Wade was an absolutely correct, very simple 10th Amendment case, that even leftist hero Saint (Notorious) RBG even saw coming. She said so before she died.

"Before the Court suddenly discovered in the Constiution a virtually unlimited right to abortion, (sarcasm, abortion isn't in the Constitution) many state legislatures were doing what legislatures are supposed to do in a democracy: They were debating and revising laws to reflect changing community thinking." -- Justice R.B. Ginsburg (Frommer, Washington Post, 5/6/22)

The Justice knew that Roe was on "shaky legal ground" because of the 10th Amendment, which reads:

"The Powers not delegated to the United States, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Roe was overturned by absolutely correct interpretation of the 10th Amendment. Abortion does not appear in the Constitution, therefore the issue is remanded to the states or to the people. The states are absolutely free to decide the issue in their respective legislatures, or allow the people to vote on it. Though I rarely have had the opportunity to say this in my life, I agree with Justice Ginsburg. And I agree with the Supreme Court, which correctly decided this 10th Amendment case.

As you know, instead of remanding the case to the states as the Constitution mandates and the high Court decided, democrats immediately stepped in, trying to codify Roe at the federal level.

The people who claim to care about average Americans, will do anything to protect our rights, and are the unquestioned moral authority, REMOVED from We the People the right to decide this issue for ourselves. They did this in violation of the SCOTUS decision, the 10th Amendment, and the Constitution they all swore to "protect and defend."

If you disagreed with them, you were called a "right-wing extremist." You were told you support some mythical "assault on the Constitution." And of course, you were told you hate women, women's rights, and ALL reproductive freedom. That's right. They called their violation of the Constitution an assault on it by YOU.

Nothing could be more incorrect. Most Americans have immense respect for our nation, its founding documents, and especially its Constituion. (Which, by the way, has provided more opportunities to more different kinds of people than any other single document in human history.)

Most Americans also cherish our right to vote, and to decide on the issues that affect us. Our Founders, in their awesome wisdom knew this would be true. Hence, the 10th Amendment which gave US the right to decide issues they did not foresee, and to do so at the state level.

Make no mistake, it is the democrat theft of your ability to have any input on this issue that is an assault on the Constitution, extremist behavior, and an unconscionable assault on women. I mean, women have had the right to vote in the United States for 102 years. Democrats unilaterally and deliberately removed their ability to vote on this issue that impacts ONLY them...at least physically.

If it wasn't bad enough that democrats have appropriated rights that don't belong to them to fight for something that is NOT in the Constitution, their assault on the things that are is at least equally heinous.

Take for instance President Biden's executive order that forced all members of the United States military to be vaccinated against COVID. (Federal employees were not exempted by the SCOTUS, which decided the president cannot force all Americans to be vaccinated, as was his goal.)

I'm all for force readiness. I do not want anything to slow our military in any way when they are called on to protect us. But. Joe Biden's executive order did NOT allow a religious exemption.

Faith is one of the few areas were members of the military do not surrender their personal freedoms. In fact, the leaders of our armed forces are required to accomodate the religious beliefs of our servicemembers to the extent possible. There is now a government-issued turban for servicemembers of the Sikh faith, for example.

I personally benefitted from a religious accomodation during basic training. I was Lutheran at the time, but there was no Lutheran chapel. I tried the non-demoninational service, but it just wasn't for me. So I went to the Chaplain, a Catholic, explained my situation, and asked if I could attend his services...and further...I asked to participate in communion.

According to Catholic teaching, he should have told me no. Not being Catholic, I would not be welcomed to take communion at any of my local Catholic churches. But the Chaplain, understanding my concerns, made the correct decision. He allowed me to participate in the sacrament, and he allowed me to serve as a lector and cantor during his services. I wish I could recall his name so I could give appropriate credit; a truly great man.

The guidance the Army gave him told him to make the accomodation. Just as Sikh soldiers have been accomodated with turbans they can wear while in uniform. I willingly surrendered some of my freedoms while I served. I wasn't permitted to criticize the president, for example. But in terms of faith, the military had a responsibility to accomodate me, and they did.

Contrast that with President Biden's action; barring military members from refusing the COVID vaccine on religious grounds. That is a direct assault on the indivual servicemembers, their faith, and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Who's the extremist again? I submit that it's the man refusing 1A rights when he swore to protect and defend them.

I should also make it clear that I willingly accepted all vaccines, pills, and other mandatory medical procedures that come with enlistment. I don't know what most of the things injected into my body -- with my consent -- even were. I trusted that the Army had a vested interest in keeping me alive, strong, and healthy, so that I could serve my country on the battlefield if it became necessary.

The COVID vaccine is different. I would not have taken it. And in Joe Biden's ever-dwindling ranks, I would have been kicked out, even if I asserted a First-Amendment right to religious freedom. As I have explained, that was a right I did NOT have to willingly sacrifce as a result of my service.

I could make a First Amendment case for Donald Trump being booted from all social media except his own truthsocial.com as well. A handful of monopolies control social media. So while I recognize the right of private enterprise to behave as they see fit, I could make a valid argument that these monopolies have colluded to silence Trump. Hopefully he'll bring a federal suit and make that case at some point. God knows the silencing and "fact checking" of conservatives, while leftists enjoy free reign, deserves to be challenged.

These rights-seizing leftists also know why our Founders provided us with the Second Amendment.

As Thomas Jefferson succinctly put it, "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." (monticello.org)

Here again, I can certainly make the case that a man who tried to force all Americans to receive the COVID vaccine -- whether they wanted it or not -- is a tyrant. To my knowledge, it is the only time in U.S. history any president has attempted to force anything into the bodies of all Americans.

Further, the tyrant in this case has nuclear weapons. Please tell me exactly what I should be allowed to have to protect myself from that.

I am not suggesting that every American should have a nuke silo in the backyard. Far from it. And there absolutely ARE Americans I don't believe should be allowed to own firearms: rapists, murderers, and the provably clinically insane, to name a few. What I AM suggesting is that the Americans we bar from having the means to protect themselves from tyranny should be VERY small. Again, our Founders in their unambiguous glory made it so clear even a child can understand it: "...shall not be infringed."

If you're a democrat and you've made it this far, thank you. You have earned my respect. Just don't try to make the "well-regulated militia argument." Heller v. DC decided that "well-regulated militia" and "shall not be infringed" are wholly separate thoughts. My right to own a firearm is not contingent upon being in a militia, or any other organization. NSRPA v. Bruen unequivocally confirmed the right of Americans to carry.

That's the law of the land. Just like Roe was the law of the land until recently. But here again, democrats' assault on my repeatedly-affirmed constitutional right to keep and bear arms has not ceased. In fact, just today, the House voted to ban "assault weapons."

Make no mistake, today's democrats know that it's the Second Amendment that protects all others, and keeps them from crossing the line into tyranny. And that is PRECISELY why they seek to undermine it at every turn.

Democrats will fight until death for abortion, which again is not in the Constitution anywhere. And they will fight until death to remove the rights of good American citizens that actually ARE in the Constitution they swore to protect and defend.

At some point, we have to ask ourselves when modern democrats become domestic enemies of the Constitution. In my humble opinion, we have reached that point.

What say you?

God bless you, and God bless these great United States of America.

-- Jason Fornwalt, managing editor, Treehouse of Liberty Times

Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Biden White House and its "NASCAR problem"

 It's been a while since I've put up a new blog post, but I simply could not let the "genius" that is Jen Psaki pass by this time. Yes, I know it's hard to believe "circle back" girl said something dumb, but she did.

In a daily press briefing, she actually said that the administration was trying to reach "unvaccinated white conservatives" by advertising on "The Deadliest Catch," CMT (country music television), and NASCAR races. Now hol' on just a garsh-darn, chicken-friend country minute here. Let me unhook my bib overalls, take the piece of straw out of my mouth, "set down" my PBR, smooth out my flannel shirt, lace up my cowboy boots real...skip that one, walk over to my John Deere green tractor where the new-fangled phone contraption works better, tell my huntin' dogs to stay on the porch, grab my double-barrel shotgun just in case, and go to Faceyspace or Tweeter to respond to this here lady right quick. God love her.

Is Ms. Psaki really this completely ignorant? That's a rhetorical question. Of course she is. She, and the administration she represents, believe ALL white conservatives are some cornbread country mother f***ers who wouldn't know refinement if it saddled its prissy little ass up to our dinin' table.

Here's the thing. Y'know what makes someone a cornbread country mother f***er? God. And family. And country. In that order. In other words, my kind of people. The people whose values most closely resemble those of our Founders, and the men and women who have fought to ensure since then that that Star Spangled Banner does yet wave. Call me a redneck. I wear it like a badge of honor. I'm perfectly fine with you admitting that my values are better than yours. I'm perfectly fine with you admitting that you don't know what actually matters. And I'm perfectly fine having both the Stars and Stripes and the rebel flag on my car right now. (I'd explain to you what state's rights are, or why I want to be immediately recognizable as NOT being a Black Lives Matter terrorist, but you wouldn't understand.)

So the way you reach white people is to advertise during NASCAR races, on CMT, and on Deadliest Catch. That's cool. Do you reach black people by advertising on BET and reruns of "The Jeffersons?" Do you reach Hispanic people by advertising on Telemundo and Sesame Street? Gotta learn numbers and letters in English somehow, might as well advertise the vaccine too.

I cringed typing those comparisons. I'm sure you did reading them. For that, I sincerely apologize. But I will not apologize for making the fair and accurate point that this White House is a stereotyping, clueless disaster. This country is full of white people who have never watched an entire NASCAR race. (I haven't in probably 10 years.) I've never watched CMT or Deadliest Catch. I almost feel like my whiteness has been called into question. I mean, surely the POTUS and his ugly porcelain doll know what it means to be white better than I, right? Right??

Wrong. Joe Biden only knows how to be the version of white that was taught to him by his friend, mentor, and Ku Klux Klan grand cyclops, Robert Byrd. Not surprisingly, that brand is marked by being a condescending, stereotyping, hateful, useless prick. At least in Byrd's case that got him a bunch of stuff named after him in his home state of West Virginia. And do NOT get me started on West Virginia stereotypes. Though I reside in Maryland again, I will fight you. I exceeded the five-year residency requirement to be able to legally call the state "West By God." I have all my teeth, as do all my friends there, and ANY of us will learn you a thing or two should you be foolish enough to discuss politics or our Founding documents with us.

It's possible that Biden will make like his klansman-friend Byrd and get a bunch of stuff named after him. Of course, he'll first have to decide whether that will be in Scranton, PA (where he grew up during the campaign) or in Delaware (where he grew up once the campaign was over.) Politics is full of frauds, but Biden is one of the biggest. He had the audacity to say that "If you don't know if you're voting for me or for Trump, then you ain't black." As if black people are somehow compelled by the color of their skin to vote a certain way. We on the right believe that people of all shades are our equals and should use their brains when choosing a candidate. We don't view living around black people as akin to "growing up in a racial jungle," as Joe said. We don't make up stories about letting little black kids play with our leg hairs to seem more "woke." And if we make up a story about a big black dude we had to confront, we sure as HELL ain't gonna name him, "Corn Pop."

Biden is a racist. Biden has always been a racist. He believes stereotyping is a good thing -- as evidenced by his press secretary's idiocy, and his targeted advertising that misses the target. (That's the other thing we chicken-fried country folk are good at. Shootin'. If you want to learn to hit targets, Joe. Come on out. We'll help. We're kindly like that.)

But for all the joking I've done about Ms. Psaki's statements, they bother me. It's not often I am genuinely bothered by anything anyone in politics says, but that struck a nerve. First of all, the insinuation is that all "country folk" are stupid. Quite the contrary. Take a trip into a deeply rural area some time. You will find some of the most practically-intelligent people you will ever meet. You'll find bonafide book-smart people too. And people who are both. Those people who can teach you how to own a truck and a house with no debt, AND that can make you wish you never had the audacity to argue with them about the Constitution.

I just don't understand. Maybe it's my immense white privilege getting in the way, but why is it OK to stereotype white conservatives? How does no one realize how idiotic and hurtful doing so actually is? How would they feel if I decided that I wanted to reach out to leftists for an honest dialogue and did so by placing my contact information in copies of Karl Marx' "The Communist Manifesto?" Oh, we have a problem now? Shocker.

Sadly, I think that the left has had a problem with stereotyping and viewing inhomogeneous groups as one great mass for a long time. "The black vote." "The Hispanic vote." "The women's vote." "The college-educated vote." You've heard them all. Show me two black people and I will find 10 differences in under a minute. The same is true of Hispanics, women, and every other voting "block."

White conservatives are no different. How much time do you think William F. Buckley spent watching NASCAR? How much time do you think Jeff Foxworthy spends writing theoretical papers about politics?

This is stupid. MOST groups are about as homogeneous as snowflakes. (Not them, I mean real snowflakes.) I even have a very conservative, very gay friend. You're not going to reach him by running an ad during a NASCAR race. He's probably watching HGTV.

Damnit. Did I just stereotype?

- Jason Fornwalt, editor, Treehouse of Liberty Times

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Congress shows its idiocy once again

 Good day folks, thanks for taking a chance and reading this blog. I hope it informs you and that you get some new perspective out of it. Whether you agree or disagree with my posts, it is always an honor to have a piece of your time. 

   Well, impeachment round 2 is over and it is the result that all sane and rational people expected. For the Left to think they could get 66 votes out of the Senate to impeach Trump was dumb, stupid, ignorant and a fantasy. No way were 16 Republicans going to vote guilty. It was a HUGE waste of time and money, just as the first one was. Time and money that could have been better spent on more pressing and more concerning problems that face our great Country. The fear that Trump instills in the Left is both funny and mysterious. The only thing I can think of as to why they want to further try and discredit the man is they are scared to death of him running in 2024.  Maybe now the Dems can focus their feeble efforts on trying and make this Country a better place for citizens to live. But, I highy doubt it.

 On a Treehouse of Liberty podcast last week, a friend of the show had some interesting insight as to how the 1 percent actually run and control the USA.  I agree with some of what he said. There is a top tier of business men and profiteers that control what most of us see, hear and digest mentally. Their forte is keeping the Country decisive so that we "little people" use our time talking about Left vs Right. I have a theory about Trump and the rough 4 years he had in his presidency. If you listen to the next TOL  podcast I will share these with you. I know, a tough tease..lol.. 

  We desperately need term limits in Congress. But, even though 80 percent of Americans want that too, the fly in the oinment is,Congress itself, Congress would have to pass the bill into law. That is like asking turkeys to vote to keep Thanksgiving around. :(  We need to pray hard for our Country and our elected Representatives. The idea of "We the People" has become nonexistent among Congress and other elected officials.

  Thank you for reading and thank you for your valuable time, May God Bless the USA and may God bless each and every one of us. Clay Moorer, Assistant editor of the Treehouse of Liberty Blog.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Terrorism and Leftist Hypocrisy

 The Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots of 2020 were the single most expensive man-made disaster in American history; costing insurance companies over $4 billion. At least 25 people were killed. More than 2,000 police officers were injured. Leftist terrorists seized parts of two American cities -- Portland and Seattle. I'm sure you remember all of the prominent democrats who condemned it all. Oh, you don't? Well maybe that's because they didn't.

In fact, quite the contrary happened. Now Vice President Kamala Harris said the riots "won't stop and shouldn't stop." Now President Joe Biden and democrat congressman Jerry Nadler said that Antifa was an idea not a group -- while they burned our cities. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said, "I can't believe there aren't uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be." Chants of "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon," and "What do we want? Dead Cops. When do we want them? Now," were the rallying cries as the leftist terrorists laid waste to neighborhood after neighborhood.

Retired Chicago police officer, David Dorn, was shot and killed while trying to protect a friend's business from the rioters. Mr. Dorn, a black man, apparently didn't have enough pigment in his skin for his life to matter to any leftist. Not one prominent democrat politician said anything about him. BLM was content with his death because they saw him as blue, not black.

Not a single leftist politician stepped up and said, "Hey, can we not murder cops, burn the country down, kill and injure a bunch more people, and capture U.S. territory like an invading force? That would be great." Not one condemned the deaths of law enforcement officers or mourned them at all. They justified those deaths, singing about persecution of some sort, implying these heroic men and women deserved to be gunned down.

Asked directly about the riots in a presidential debate, Joe Biden said only, "Violence is never the answer, but let me talk to the American people..." and quickly changed the subject. He would not condemn Black Lives Matter terrorists. He would not condemn Antifa terrorists. He would not condemn the leftist looting, burning, murdering, hordes of the most un-American people you could ever hope to see on your nightly talk box. (That is, when the nightly talk box decided to show you the violence. When they did, they told you the protests were "mostly peaceful," as buildings burned in the background.)

The leftist terrorists attacked everything and everyone -- businesses, homes, churches, it didn't matter. (Remember when burning churches was a heinous and unthinkable crime? Yeah. It was hardly mentioned when it was BLM and Antifa doing it.)

For a year, our country was wrecked by people who wouldn't vote for Trump if their lives depended on it. Democrat "leaders" were either silent or outright supportive. Either posture is heinous to take. It is un-American. It is ANTI-American. And it is not something that should EVER be tolerated in our highest halls of government.

Contrast that with the "Capitol insurrection."

Approximately 200 of the 500-600,000 thousand Trump supporters assembled that day entered the Capitol building. Estimating on the high side, that amounts to 0.04% of the gathered crowd. If ever the words "mostly peaceful" were just to use during a display of violence, it was then. 99.96% of the of the people who attended were peaceful. Your move, BLM and Antifa riots. But no. According to the leftists and their propaganda machine, this was an insurrection -- a real attempt to take control of the United States.


I'm not the sharpest tool in the drawer, but if you have 500-600,000 troops, and you want to take over a country, do you send 200 of them or 600,000? If it was me, I'm sending everyone. Strike hard, strike fast, get it over with. (Of course I would never support an insurrection against the United States. It's sad that I even have to say that.)

Now. That is not to say that the attack on the Capitol was OK. It's not. At all. It was a terrorist attack. Terrorism is legally defined as "using violence to affect political change." That is precisely what happened on January 6.

The difference is that right-wing politicians and pundits condemned the attack immediately. They didn't wait to see who was responsible. They didn't wonder if condemning the violence would be politically expedient. They condemned it and left no uncertainty. From President Trump, to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, from Mark Levin to your humble writer and podcaster, we damned it. We cursed it. We said it was wrong. We believe that terrorism is always wrong. That is just one of the many things that makes us better than the modern leftists.

So what happens now? President Trump is impeached for inciting an insurrection against the United States. Yes. The same President Trump who told his supporters to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue and protest "peacefully and patriotically." Where are we as a country when chants to murder cops are perfectly acceptable, where burning our cities is encouraged, where looting and injuring thousands OK, but protesting "peacefully and patriotically" is not? I'm not sure I want to be on this planet anymore if those are the rules.

Whatsmore, the same people who approved of chants to murder police officers gave Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick -- who died in the Jan. 6 attack -- the privilege of lying in honor in the Capitol rotunda. He should have. I'm glad that he did. I just wish congressional democrats had done the same for David Dorn. I wish they'd have honored the two Los Angeles County deputies who were shot in the face in an attempted execution. I wish they'd have said that murdering cops was a bad idea at any point last year. Frankly, I think it is VILE that they used Officer Sicknick's death to make a pathetic political statement.

I was disgusted by the attack on the seat of our government. But I was also disgusted by the year's worth of attacks on mom and pop stores, peace officers, businesses, churches, homes, and the heart of our country. I never dreamed that Americans would cause more financial damage to this country than 9/11. I abhor the fact that leftist politicians and media outlets are just fine with that. How are you fit to serve in our government if you don't damn that in the clearest, most uncertain terms, and condemn BY NAME the leftist terrorist groups responsible?

But alas, even though the FBI (and even CNN) has said that the attack on the Capital was pre-planned and that they had advance notice, and even though President Trump offered 10,000 National Guard troops for crowd control and protection on Jan. 6, and even though the mass, severity, and support for the leftist terrorists far exceed the Capitol attack, they impeach Trump. The democrats skate. Their support of terrorism against the United States goes unchecked.

I propose a new slogan. "What do we want? Intelligent, honest, consistent democrats. When do we want them? Now."

I'm certain my wish won't be granted. Ever.

-- Jason Fornwalt, editor, Treehouse of Liberty Times

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Our Country Is In Serious Trouble :(

 Good day all and I hope everyone is having a great start to their New Year. Hopefully, 2021 will be a complete turn around of 2020.  On a personal update, my cancer is about the same. Will be going into my third treatment next week so please continue to keep me in your thoughts and prayers.I still have some good days and some not so good days but The Lord is with me always and I have ABSOLUTE Faith and trust in Him. But, enough about me, lets get to a more important topic..the survival of our Country.

 As you may have heard, things look bleak in my home state of Georgia. Reverand Warnock has beaten Kelly Loeffler for the one senate seat and it looks as though Osoff will beat Purdue for the other. This will give the Dems a 50-50 tie in the Senate and with incoming VP Kamala Harris as the tie breaker, the Left now controls all 3 sections of Govt. Now I am a Staunch Conservative but even I know that when any Party, Reps or Dems, control all 3 then it is never good for the Country. And with the platform and agenda of the modern day Dem Party, it is doubly dangerous. I fear for my Country and my fellow citizens and in the following paragraphs I will explain why. Our editor and good friend, Jason Fornwalt, would be posting some of this but he is taking this defeat of our values and liberties a little harder than I am. So I know he won't mind me taking some advantage here. Love you my Brother! Keep Faith in God.

 Climate change is one area where The Left has taken a strong support. I am all for a clean and healthy planet but I also believe you don't need a root canal when a filling will do the trick. The Left wants to sink money into several different "alternate energy" ideas, including solar, wind and corn husks. Can't wait to see how these power ships and planes much less automobiles and the trucking industry. To completely turn away from nuclear, oil and natural gas is insane and idiotic. For one thing, other countries will never match us in "clean energy" and they are the main problem, not the USA. We will go back to the Paris accord which is just a vacuum cleaner for other countries to suck hard earned, tax paying dollars from our citizens. Money which should be going to our people and our problems. Tell me which OTHER Countries tax their citizens to support OUR Country..I will wait........ Since before the seventies we have been preaching doom and gloom about the planet and I guarantee in 50 years we will STILL be preaching doom and gloom.  I don't know everything but, I do know the Paris Accord and the plans of the Left are NOT the answer.

 Another agenda of the Socialist radical Left is Universal Healthcare. This would be a huge HUGE mistake for our Country. Yeah, we would get GOVT. control of healthcare but tell me..what has the GOVT. ever done better than the private sector ? Waiting.........In addition to the fiasco of scheduling and priority, the costs would be out of this Universe. When Biden and his cronies tell you that increased taxes on the wealthy and business will pay for it..they are simply W-R-O-N-G. There is not enough taxation in the World to pay for  Universal Healthcare. Yeah, your healthcare may be free but enjoy your pup tents and canned spam cause that is all you will be able to afford after taxes. ANYONE that believes otherwise is either ignorant or an idiot loon..I will let you choose which you are. PLAIN AND SIMPLE TRUTH!!!!

 Police, Military and Second amendment rights will also be damaged by the Left. A lot of my friends, some liberal, have automatic and semi-automatic weapons. The Dems have already swore to take these away, I just hope my liberal friends resist as much as my Conservative friends. Gun ownership is a RIGHT! Guaranteed by the Second Amendment. LEAVE our guns alone and concentrate on mental health laws and suicidal depression instead. THEY are the real problems, not the guns. Military will be affected as well. Cuts in personal and closure of bases will only take us back to the Obama days when our military was weak and depleted. We need a strong military and Space Program, two things libs absolutely hate. And police? Wanting to send social workers for domestic disputes?  I come from a home where the police had to be called more than once to help my mom. My stepfather was cruel and mean when he was drunk and I was glad that men with guns showed up. If some 100 pound social worker had shown up with a folder and a smile, they may have been in the hospital as well. Already we are seeing thousands of police quitting and new classes of police recruits greatly diminshed. All because the Left wants to fund BLM marches and statue destruction instead of a strong police force to keep us safe. Yes, better training is needed but cutting money will NOT get that done. If you voted Dem this time around, I respect your right and desire to do so..but you are damaging our Country by supporting the LEFT. Sorry if the TRUTH hurts!

Finally, lets talk Covid. Yes it is real and a danger and people have died from it. But I have several friends that are nurses and hospital workers and they are telling me that people are dying from other diseases and yet, if they test positive for covid their death is required by LAW to be reported as a Covid death. Like anything and everything else, this has been blown up to be a political football. The Libs want you to believe that shutting down the economy and giving up certain personal liberties and rights are neccesary to defeat the disease. Yeah, I don't want to see any of you get sick but I also do NOT want to see any of you lose your rights and individualities. Stay safe and stay smart. Take the precautions you feel you need to but do not let any elected official or overzealous doctor coerce you into something that is not needed. And if you are waiting for ANY politician to set the example on masks or anything else, then you are a TRUE SHEEP!!! Get ready to be sheared. Use your own common sense,,,well. libs seem to have none but please do the best you can with what little brains and love of Country you have left. Wow, I am letting Jason rub off on me..lol.  If we cannot reclaim our Country and liberty, then, sadly, the AMMO BOX will be opened and their will be a renewal of the Tree of Liberty. Hopefully enough of you will wise up by 2022 to let the House and Senate be taken back by the Conservatives, not stay in the hands of the loony Left.

 I could go on and on but these are some rights and liberties that have been put in GRAVE danger because you hated Trump and the Republicans so much you voted for anti Americans instead. SHAME ON YOU! Anyone that cares to respond whether you agree with me or not, please do so. I respect difference of opinion and would love to hear your side and then show you where you are wrong. That is a challenge to my liberal readers. Thank you for reading and may the Lord Bless you and your family in this New Year. AND as ALWAYS, God Bless the USA!!


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Merry Christmas to all our readers and listeners.

 Just a short note to let all our fans know how much we appreciate them and the time they spend reading our Blogs and listening to the podcasts. Even those on the Left. :) May God Bless you all and may you and your families have a wonderful Holiday Season. Remember to pray for our Country and to pray for each other. Love you all, May the Lord shine on you always. See you in January. May God Bless the USA

You want to run a negative campaign? Probably not a good idea.

American political history dictates that if you're clearly losing an election, the best -- if not only -- thing you can do is go negativ...