Friday, October 30, 2020

Clay and Jason on the Treehouse of Liberty podcast

Clay and Jason on the ToL podcast!

Have you ever wondered what Clay and I sound like? Probably not. But we're going to let you hear it anyway! Simply click the link above for the best 40 minutes worth of podcasting you will ever hear in your life.*

* Claim is not based on any real, provable, or tangible evidence. It is simply the opinion of a regular guy in regard to his friend and a pretty damned good show.

Final Electoral Map

It's that time. Here is my final electoral map. I'm sure you'll have a few states that you disagree with me on, but that's what's fun about any type of prognostication.

I started the map by filling in all of the automatic blue states. California, New England, and Illinois were all easy to pick. D.C. and Virginia are pretty easy to call too.

Then I moved on to the sure-fire red states -- much of the South and Midwest.

With most of my coloring done, it was time to tackle the swing states, and there are more of them than in most election seasons. Up for grabs to at least some extent were North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Texas, Pennsylvania and Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and a few others. I also turned Oregon red. This is the only map I've seen that makes that bold prediction. I just can't imagine that the people in the state's main population center -- Portland -- would vote blue after essentially being occupied by leftist terrorists for four months.

I took the same view of Michigan. Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer is so unpopular there was actually a plot to kidnap and potentially kill her. Certainly those right-wing terrorists do not represent the entire state, but there is vast dissension in the ranks. 

Ultimately I ended up with President Donald Trump being reelected with 289 electoral votes to former Vice President Joe Biden's 240. This is a wider spread than most predictions, but the Trafalgar Group, which correctly called Trump's victory in 2016, has it 280 to 249 for the president. I'll consider myself within the margin of error.

What say you? 270 to Win is a great site that will let you color your own map. Share it here, and let's see who gets it right. I certainly hope the right gets it.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

My Cancer and the biggest cancer of all, liberalism in the USA

 Dear  Fans,

 As you probabky know (from the OUTSTANDING and HEARTFELT blog Jason wote) I have been diagnosed with Cancer of the kidney and lymph glands. But I have outstanding Faith in the Lord, My doctor, my family and my awesome friends(Like Jason) and I will beat this if God chooses to let me. But enough about me lets talk about what will happen if Biden wins next month :(

 Uncle Joe has dementia and is bordering on Alzeimers..make no mistake about it. His elevator does not go to the top floor. I am not making fun of him, in fact, I feel sorry for him. He has allowed the anti American Dem Party to use him to their advantage. Do not kid yourself, if the libs take over this Country, we are doomed. Socialism and out of control Govt. Spending WILL raise your taxes and drain your bank account. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT! 

And a Green New Deal will collapse the market and industry. Why so many do not see this is a mystery to me. They are either too lazy, too ignorant, too uncaring or too Anti American to realize the destruction a vote for the Left will bring on this Country. I have a lot of friends and family that do not care for the attitude and demeanor of Trump. I agree sometimes. He needs to be cooler and let the media and interviewers trap themselves instead of trying to trap them himself. It is so easy to make the media and the Left look like fools. All you have to do is give them some rope and stand back. They will hang themselves...EVERYTIME!

 Let me close by saying that I respect and Love everyone, even libs. (like is another matter entirely) They have a choice to make like everyone else. BUT, whatever choice any of us make, we have to live with it and accept the consequences. That is why you need to study and research the situation before blindly casting a vote for someone because they hate Trump or they love Trump.  If you don't want to vote for Trump then that is your choice. But then either stay at home or vote a third party my choice, Don Blankenship of the US Constitution Party. But remember this if you remember NOTHING ELSE...a vote FOR BIDEN is a vote AGAINST AMERICA . Plain and simple truth and fact. Don't believe me? Wait and see what happens if he wins. May God Bless us double if that happens. Thank you all for reading, use your brain, not your heart, when you vote. And do not let hatred of Trump cast your ballot for you. God Bless us, everyone!!

Cancer fighter extrodinare and Associate editor of the TOL blog, Clay Moorer

We're not happy, but we're hopeful: Beat this Clay!

 We here at the Treehouse of Liberty Times come before you today with a mixture of bad news and overwhelming hope. My dear friend, and ToL Times Associate Editor, Mr. Clay Moorer, has been diagnosed with kidney cancer. Before I continue, I must say that Clay did not authorize me to make this post, nor does he know I am writing it. But as he said yesterday about sharing the news on Facebook, "No secrets. I'm not a liberal." He made me laugh in a time of concern, which is exactly who Clay is to me.

For those of you who don't know Clay, I'm sincerely sorry about your bad luck. He is quite simply the epitome of selflessness, of everything you could hope a good friend would be, and a man of a great faith (which makes up the core of who he is.) He has two adorable grandsons, of whom he is rightfully one proud granddad. He is a former United States Army MP, and his love of country is unparalleled in my experience.

I met Clay via a friend on Facebook. I sent him a friend request because he seemed like a pretty good guy. I didn't know the half of it then. Since, he has become one of my most reliable friends. He has appeared several times on the Treehouse of Liberty Podcast, and frankly is the driving force behind the Treehouse of Liberty Times.

If it sounds like I'm writing an obituary, I can assure you I absolutely am not. I know that Clay will tackle this challenge with the same ferocity he verbally eviscerates the left. Rather, I am humbly asking that you keep our friend in your thoughts and prayers, send him your best juju, positive thoughts, whatever is the best way for you to send him your energy.

Our Good Lord has in no way written Clay's last chapter. I can assure you that when the next one is written, he will be right here, writing it himself.

Much love, brother. I look forward to the great news of your complete victory.

-- Jason Fornwalt, ToL Editor, and more importantly Clay's friend

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Let's talk fascism

 It's ironic that Antifa is a left-wing group. Afterall, "Antifa" stands for "anti-fascist." And what is fascism? According to Merriam-Webster, it is "A political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition." Merriam-Webster lists a second definition as "A tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control." (

Now, let's take a look at which party actually embraces this philosophy and desires this form of government.

Is President Trump a nationalist? I think it's fair to say that he is -- not in an unhealthy sense, but in the sense that he believes in American greatness and wishes to see it continue. Does President Trump "Exalt race above the individual?" No. While he has geared some of his policies toward improving the lives of under-served minority groups, his desire is to continue to build a United States in which all people can flourish. Is President Trump a "dictatorial leader?" Absolutely not. This is evidenced by his COVID-19 response. He provided ventilators, PPE and hospital beds to the most unprepared states, but allowed governors to devise their own plans to battle the virus. He delegated. He didn't dictate. Does President Trump believe in "severe economic and social regimentation?" Quite the contrary. He believes that a free market economy does and should pick winners and losers, and has done very little to interfere with current social norms. Does President Trump believe in "forcible suppression of opposition?" No. If he did, the Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorists who are burning and looting our country, murdering police officers and others, and trying to create change by force would have been crushed.

Plain and simple, President Trump is not a fascist.

Now let's take a look at the other side of the coin.

Is the modern democrat party nationalistic? Far from it. They see America as a republic founded on slavery and oppression that still does not provide opportunity for all. They believe that they are the only ones capable of rectifying this injustice, and that anyone who disagrees must be racist, hate women, and want to maintain white privilege. Do modern democrats exalt race above the individual? Of course they do. The constant theme is that "black lives matter." They look at skin color as the only determinant of justice or injustice. They immediately jump to conclusions and declare the police officer wrong when a black man is shot for any reason. They incessantly push that white privilege is a thing, and constantly stoke racial division.

This one is crucial. Do democrats stand for a "centralized autocratic government with a dictatorial leader?" Absolutely they do. Just look at their plans for what happens if Joe Biden is elected. Nancy Pelosi is setting up a 25th Amendment Commission that will examine the fitness for office of all future presidents. Shortly after the election, she intends for the commission to remove Biden and install Kamala Harris as the new president. Not elect -- install. They have already said that they will grant citizenship to the between 18 and 38 million illegal aliens in the country, securing those votes forever. They want to make Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico states, adding four more democrat senators in perpetuity. And then, in case anyone wants to challenge their successful soft coup, they will pack the Supreme Court to guarantee that nothing they do will ever be overturned.

Adolf Hitler would be proud of a takeover like that. It would appear peaceful. Heck, they may even be able to make it appear that the will of the people has been done. Yet any opposing voice would be crushed forever -- or at least until the Second American Revolution.

The sense of entitlement to rule by any means necessary (not govern) the democrat party displays should be horrifying to all of us. The things they have flat out said they're going to do bear no resemblance to the way our elections and government are supposed to be handled. Make no mistake, this is an iron fist, poised to smash those of us who understand the founding of our country and the documents we hold sacred.

What about "severe social and economic regimentation?" Well, declared socialist sure have established a nice foothold in the democrat party, haven't they? Hell, supporters of Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are an actual "wing" of the party now, that the establishment must cater to in order to maintain their support. And how often do you hear a prominent democrat talk about income redistribution? If democrats are elected, we will see a hard shift away from capitalism toward harshly regulated socialism. Socially, it will be their way or the highway as well. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam has proposed aborting babies once they are born, wholly separate from the mother. He said they will, "keep the baby comfortable" and then "let the mother decide." Not one prominent democrat condemned his suggesting fully-independent human beings be murdered. If that's their social view, I want no part of it.

And finally, do democrats "forcibly suppress opposition?" If you've turned on a television in the last several months, you know they do. You've seen people attacked because they're white, because they're Trump supporters, and because they refuse to exalt the black race over all others. You've seen statues torn down because leftists don't like them. You've seen "Black Lives Matter" spray painted everywhere from public streets to churches. You've seen churches burn. You've seen cities burned and looted. You've seen leftist terrorists seize parts of American cities. You've seen police ambushed for no reason. You've see molotov cocktails tossed into government buildings. More benignly you've seen everyone who disagrees with a democrat called "racist" in an effort to minimize and silence them. You've seen people in southern West Virginia who still use outhouses being told that, because of what they look like, they have "white privilege." You've seen conservatives called everything from a "basket of deplorables," to "bible and gun clingers," to "smelly Walmart shoppers" and worse. And why? Because we didn't fall in line and accept leftist rule.

This election is horrifying to me. If Trump wins, the nationwide leftist terrorist riots will increase dramatically in scale. If Biden wins, odds are good that what has been the greatest country in the history of civilization will be gone. They've said it. And I believe this is the one time the democrats will actually do what they say.

Jason Fornwalt, ToL Editor/Staff Writer

You want to run a negative campaign? Probably not a good idea.

American political history dictates that if you're clearly losing an election, the best -- if not only -- thing you can do is go negativ...