Thursday, August 27, 2020

 Last week I gave my thoughts and jabs about the DNC. This week it is the RNC's turn.  Between the two, the RNC felt more energetic and more pro American. All the Left Wing MSM loons say that the RNC was "dark"..maybe because there were a lot of minorities that showed up to show how the Dems take minorities for granted. The Inner cities are the Planrtations and the Dem leaders are the new Plantation owners.  Not my words, rather the words of Ben Carson, Black Nuerologist and Political figure. Libs feel as long as they support the minorities and illegals with Govt. "cheese" then they will be blind, or ignorant, enough to vote for them.

 Night one set the tone for the week. A lot of upbeat and positive speeches from a lot of minorities,  Such as Herschel Walker (GO DAWGS!) saying that he is offended that they call Trump a racist when he has known Trump for 27 years and calls him friend. Guess Uncle Joe doesn't think Herschel is really black. Tim Scott, another minority, gave a great speech that hit it out of the park. " My family went from cotton to Congress because of the American dream". But night one wasn't all smooth. I found that as beautful as Kimberly Guilfoye looks, she kind of went a lot bonkers shouting her message to an empty room. A little too toney. lol And Kim Klevinger needs to be elected in Baltimore, she is a ball of fire and I really believe she will bring that city around. But, being a Republican Black woman, may not sway the votes from the loons in that city.

Night two was pretty good as well. On both nights one and two, Trump appeared and talked to normal folks and heroes. Doctors, Nurses, Police and fire all were represented as Trump talked to them about their service and their jobs. And he also pardoned a former felon (black by the way), on live TV for his service in helping other felons get their lives together. He talked with several captives he got released and I was surprised to find out thar 50 have been released under his Presidency. The Art of the Deal :). Also, He personally welcomed and gave citizenship papers to 5 immigrants who did it the RIGHT way, NOT the LIBERAL way. More minority speakers were given the chance to say their piece, including Nikki Haley who is going to be a rising star in the years to come. And how frustrating was it for CNN and MSNBC NOT to be able to comment on the young man, Nick Sandmann, because to do so would cost them a boatload more money than they are already having to pay. Bet a lot of dogs were kicked by liberal MSM at the end of their day. lol Second night ended with Melania Trump giving a great speech. Her accent and unfamiliarity with public speaking were noticeable but she overcame those with an inspiring speech. And yes, Trump came out and hugged her afterward but I didn't hear him call her by HIS name.... as Uncle Joe did with his wife at the DNC. LOL

 Finally came Wed. night, the Pence night. He gave a great speech and it gave me chills to see him standing at Fort McHenry where our National Anthem was written long ago during a battle against the British. Bet BLM, libs and ANTIFA were steaming to see that Patriotism. :)  And to see the wounded Vets rise from their wheelchairs and walkers to stand for the National Anthem was inspiring.  TAKE THAT PRO SPORTS KNEELERS!  Prnce is so calm, he is a great balance versus the fire and aggressiveness of Trump. They make a good team. 

Tomorrow night will be the Trump address. Just as I did not cover the Biden address last week, I won't cover the Trump one either. Hopefully you can see the difference between a Conservative Law and Order, Make American Great platform and an anti American, pro rioters and looters platform. I pray that night four can go on as planned but Hurricane Laura is a wild card. Praying for all those in Louisiana and Texas that are in the path of this dangerous storm.

In conclusion, the RNC was much better focused and much better produced than the DNC. Yes, I am a Conservative but I am NOT a huge Trump supporter. I just think that being pro American, positive, talking with simple folks (loggers, metal workers, farmers, nurses, doctors, etc.) is a lot more interesting and inspiring than listening to a bunch of phoney baloney celebrities and athletes who care nothing about the USA and trash Police and Military. :( . As I said lasr week, if you cannot bring yourself to pull the lever for Trump. then either vote Third Pafty or stay at home. We cannot afford a Biden/Harris, liberal, Socialist, anti American ticket. NEVER!!! Thank you for listening, all feedback is welcome. God Bless the USA!!!! 

Clay Moorer, Associate Editor of Treehouse  of Liberty Media.

Associate editor of Treehouse of Liberty 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

My speech if I could address the RNC

(Photo credit: Carolyn Kaster, Associated Press)

Senators and Congressmen, Governors, Delegates, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is my high honor and distinct privilege to stand before you today in support of our president, Donald John Trump.

When President Trump came down that escalator, we knew the American political landscape was about to change for good. Even if he was not elected, there was going to be an honest conversation about our successes and failures, our beauty marks and our warts, the ugly parts of our growth as a nation and our beautiful story that is the envy of the world.

As time went on and it became more likely that a rebel outsider would at least become the republican nominee, more and more of us began to get on board. We would rally behind a man who isn't afraid of the truth, who recognized the exceptionalism of these great United States, and who would vow to make us great again.

President Trump stood in stark contrast to the angry discourse of Hillary Clinton. While she called Trump supporters a "basket of deplorables" he laid out his vision for rebuilding our economy. While she called him -- and us -- racists, he spoke of his plan to truly deliver justice for all.

It's funny. Every four years, democrats call the republican nominee racist. It's become so common that it's shocking anyone still listens. But they do. Unfortunately, the democrat propaganda machine that is our national media, convinces those too lazy or too -- let's be honest -- stupid to do their own research that republicans are all evil white people out to destroy minorities.

They disregard great black republican leaders like Sen. Tim Scott. They dismiss the youngest chief of neurosurgery in the history of Johns Hopkins Hospital as an "Uncle Tom." They forget about people like the beautiful and brilliant Candace Owens. They bury their heads in the sand when Bob Woodson says that low-income black Americans are being, "hustled and bamboozled and swindled" by democrats.

But it's not just people and ideas they disregard. They completely ignore results.

In just four years, President Trump oversaw the lowest unemployment for African-Americans in the history of the United States. Same for Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women, youth, and the disabled. Everyone else saw their lowest level of unemployment since Neil Armstrong -- Boiler up!! -- took his one small step.

Black Americans also reached their highest ever point on the prosperity index, benefited from President Trump's prison and police reform initiatives, and received a richer and longer commitment to historically black colleges and universities than from any other president in the history of the United States. The president further created "opportunity zones" in largely black inner city neighborhoods where democrat leadership has failed them for decades.

If Mr. Trump is a racist, he is the absolute worst racist in American presidential history.

Contrast that with democrat nominee, Joe Biden.

Mr. Biden was harshly criticized by his own running mate for opposing busing in the late 70s. At that time he said he opposed because he didn't want his children to grow up, "in a racial jungle."

Can you imagine if a republican used the word "jungle" to describe growing up around black Americans? His or her political career would be over instantly -- and rightfully so. But democrats excuse that as Joe being Joe. His running mate excuses it to advance her own political career. Far too often, when blatantly racist language is used, it's by a democrat. And far too often, the democrat party excuses it completely.

I know what you're thinking. You can't hold something a man said 43 years ago against him. Fine. No problem.

He has recently implied that black people are all the same, and flat out said that if a black American doesn't vote for him then "you ain't black."

I guess we shouldn't expect anything else from a man who called Robert Byrd, a former grand cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan a "friend and mentor." If those are the people you allow to shape your life, it's a relative certainty that the racist statements I mentioned are among Biden's tamest.

Further, have you noticed that when the former vice president makes a racist comment, there is no searching for words, no stumbling and fumbling, none of the cognitive impairment he seems to display at other times? It's almost as if racist language is muscle memory for him from using it so often.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you choose Joe Biden's racist comments over President Trump's indisputable success in improving the lives of our African-American brothers and sisters, you can still be black, or Hispanic, or Asian, or any other ethnicity. You just can't be very smart.

But it's not just on matters of race that President Trump is the far superior candidate.

Under Obama and Biden, ISIS' caliphate included much of the Middle East. Under President Trump, the caliphate is gone, ISIS is defeated, and the Taliban has sworn off Al Qaeda.

Under Obama and Biden, Vladimir Putin stole Crimea from Ukraine. Under President Trump, Putin knows he'd better not attempt such a thing.

Under Obama and Biden, Kim Jong Un regularly lobbed missiles over American allies. Under President Trump, that has all but ceased.

Under Obama and Biden, we were told to get used to a new economic normal and that manufacturing jobs weren't coming back. Under President Trump, those jobs have come back, and the stock market has hit over 200 record highs.

Under Obama and Biden, we were to give them our money because they know better what to do with it. Under President Trump, 87% of Americans benefited from the largest return of their own income to them in U.S. history.

Under Obama and Biden, their signature legislation increased health insurance premiums for Americans by 200%. President Trump has driven costs down on both insurance and medications, and gotten rid of the unconstitutional mandate.

Under Obama and Biden, national pride was viewed as being xenophobic. Under President Trump, making and keeping America great is a way of life.

The only way we keep America great in this time is to ensure that the president of the United States, Donald Trump, is reelected. Or you can vote for the racism and nationwide terrorism of the leftists. I will be voting FOR my country, not against it. And I urge you to do the same.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Thoughts on the Democratic National Convention

 This week the DNC had their virtual 4 day clown show. It was kind of strange watching the roll call and all the speeches by video instead of in person. Guess that may be the future of Politics. It will be interesting to observe how the Republicans handle their Convention and from where President Trump accepts the nomination. Stay tuned.

  The first night was basically Michelle Obama bashing Trump inside, out and sideways. She was a good choice by the anti American Party ( Dems in other words) to lead this charge because the sheep on the Left love her to no end. Night two was the roll call and it was strange to see so many older, white Americans (including a couple of RINOS) shill for Uncle Joe. And of course, Colin Powell, a self procalimed Republican who has endorsed no one but Democratics since 2008, had to get his shots in against Trump and for Joe.  And let's not forget Bill Clinton talking about how Donald Trump has disgraced the oval office. LOL. Monica who? Bill baby :) I do have to give credit to Jill Biden. Her speech and the background they provided for her was very strong and very compelling. But then, after it was over, Uncle Joe comes out, hugs her and refers to her by the name "Joe". LOL. Of course, all the MSM immediately says he actually said "Jill" but that it was garbled. No, I heard him refer to her as "Joe". No doubt!! It is really is a sad thing to see his dementia and his lack of understanding decline so rapidly due to his age. Bernie is two years older but looks and sounds years younger. Also, don't forget AOC giving a glowing reccomendation of Bernie, as if he had any chance now, or in 2016, of getting the nomination.

  Of course, third night was all the Ugandan Loon's time. To explain this to the non wrestling fans. Kamala, the Ugandan Warrior, was a wrestler that recently passed away. He was big back in the 80's in WWE mostly.  So I refer to Kamala Harris as the Ugandan loon. She has slept her way to the top all her life. She accuses Joe of being racist and pro busing back in the 70's, then fawns all over him when he choses her as VP. Funny that the liberal, socialist, youthful movement, BLM, anti Police party has an old white guy running for President and a former prosecuter who was pro police back in her bedroom days running for VP. Of course politics has become nothing but hypocrisy and watching out for yourself. Politics do make strange bedfellows, esp. in the case of Harris. :)

 Tonight is the big night when Joe accepts the nomination. I am wondering what the over/under is for him getting through it with a clean speech. I would not take that bet. If you can't bring yourself to vote for Trump, then do the Country a favor and either vote Third Party(such as my Constitution Party) or stay at home. Please, under NO circumstances for for Biden/Harris...not unless you want to help destroy the USA.

  Thank you all fo reading and listening to my rants and ravings. May God Bless you and keep you and, no matter what, PLEASE pray for our Country. We need it very, very badly.

 Clay Moorer, Assistant Editor of the Treehous of Liberty Media Blog.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The difference between absentee and vote by mail

"What's the difference between an absentee ballot and vote by mail?"

An absentee ballot allows someone who cannot go to their normal polling place to cast a ballot by mail, but there are a few key differences between absentee and holding an election by mail.

First, absentee ballots are used by a small minority of voters. They can be military members stationed overseas, people travelling for business, or just folks who won't be in their area on election day.

Absentee voters must submit a request for an absentee ballot. Their voter registration information is confirmed, and a ballot is sent to their house in their name, to be completed and sent back. You do not receive an absentee ballot UNLESS you request it.

The absentee process guarantees that "one person, one vote" is upheld, and that a person is legally eligible to vote.

Since the number of absentee voters is relatively small, there is virtually no strain on the postal service.

So how is vote-by-mail different? First of all, there are (as of 2018) over 153 million registered voters in the United States. So naturally that means that if every registered voter voted by mail, the postal service would handle 306 million additional pieces.

The postal service handles about 182 million pieces of mail per day. 306 million ballot transactions represents s nearly 160% increase over that normal day. If you had to do 160% more work than you normally do in an 8 hour shift, is it reasonable for your boss to expect you to handle it flawlessly? Would there be things you wouldn't get done in those 8 hours? I'd be willing to be there would.

Yet democrats expect to flood postal employees with this drastically increased work load and balk when the Postmaster General says that may prevent them from getting all the mail through on time? This is a matter of simple logic. If you give people too much work, they're not going to get it all done. How hard is that to understand?

In spite of the false leftist rhetoric, the postal service is not tightening its fiscal belt to cheat, disenfranchise, undermine, or otherwise screw ANYONE. Again, this takes nothing but simple logic to understand.

You run a small business. Your business lost $90,000 last year. There is no reason to expect your revenue to increase. What do you do if you'd like your business to continue to operate? That's right. You'd cut costs as much as you possibly could.

Guess what? So did the postal service. USPS had a net operating loss of $9 billion last year. Nine BILLION. (Those are taxpayer dollars, btw.) With Amazon, UPS, and FedEx kicking ass and taking names, there's no reason to expect USPS revenue to increase.

So the PG made the wise decision to cut operating costs. Democrats know this, but they wail and gnash teeth anyway, trying to frame another Trump victory as illegitimate before it happens.

There's another problem with mail-in voting. Think about the last time you moved. Did you call the local election board and let them know you were moving? No? Then you're likely still registered to vote in your old district. You probably also registered in your new district. Guess what? Two ballots are sent out in your name. Guess what else? One of them is sent to your old address.

So you send your ballot in, proudly supporting Joe Biden. I send in your ballot that comes to your old address. I proudly vote for Trump. Now I've cancelled your vote, and I STILL get to cast MY ballot for Trump.

There is also nothing preventing unscrupulous people from stealing ballots from mail boxes, from going door to door and asking non-political residents to turn over their ballots (ballot harvesting), or collecting all the ballots from nursing homes, etc. and filling out all of the ballots however they wish.

Further, there is NOTHING preventing a person who is not eligible to vote from mailing in a ballot. You don't think every address in LA isn't going to get at least one ballot? Eh, what's a few million illegal alien votes.

And let's suppose none of that happens. The final piece of the puzzle is that EVERY ballot will pass through the hands of members of a union that fully endorsed Joe Biden. That's right. Democrats want every Trump voter's ballot to pass through an organization that supports Biden. How about no.

None of the problems I have detailed are possible if you pull a lever, color in a circle, or touch a computer screen. If you carry your own ballot to a locked box, it is foolproof -- at least to that point. The same people count the ballots either way.

So you tell me what's secure. You tell me what prevents more voter fraud. You tell me why democrats are pushing the method that is VASTLY more subject to fraud to conduct this election.

Don't let the leftists and their media get inside your head.

Oh, and remember they've supported Fauci throughout COVID. Fauci says it's perfectly fine to return to school with masks and social distancing. If schools are ok, so are polling stations.

-- Jason Fornwalt, Treehouse of Liberty Times editor/staff writer

Monday, August 10, 2020

Your Turn is at Hand: A Poem for Our Time

It started in a sweltering Hall,
Feather to paper and paper to all,
Declaring this place a new sovereign land,
And pushing away a king's ruling hand.

"What have you given us?" the question was raised.
"A republic if you can keep it" throughout all of your days.
So that's it, our country is real and we've won?
Sure, once everything is settled with guns.

Then settled it was, colonies no more.
The United States began on a vast eastern shore.
From feather and paper another statement was made,
By Cornwallis at Yorktown who ne'er again would invade.

Then we fought with ourselves, not a hundred years later,
Death the order not writing on paper.
At Gettysburg they fell, slaughtered and silent.
Dear God how could we be so callous and violent?

At Antietam the casualties were hard to accept.
Over 3,100 felled to their deaths.
The casualties totaled over twenty-three grand,
Brother against brother; hand against hand.

The Union preserved, we'd start to rebuild,
The slaves were now free, though death was the bill.
Freedom is like that, it comes with a cost.
Generations have preserved it at great expense and loss.

From the First World War, to the Second and Korea,
We've fought to preserve this whole freedom idea.
From the jungles of Nam to the desert Middle East,
Not one soldier has uttered, "Hey, what about me?"

Selfless service is what makes us great.
It's why we still have these fifty United States.
Today our flag asks us to answer her call.
From within or without, we must NEVER let her fall.

"Protect me from all enemies, both foreign and domestic,
I know I can count on you when things are most hectic.
I've stood here for centuries, so proud of this land,
Protected by heroes, now your turn's at hand."

-- Jason Fornwalt, Treehouse of Liberty Times editor/staff writer

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

What Did I Just See?

I was listening to Glen Beck this morning at work, not long before he was scheduled to hand the airwaves over to Rush Limbaugh at noon. Suddenly I heard Mr. Beck's voice take a very noticeable change in tone. This is not particularly unusual for him. He's an emotional guy. And he lets his emotions show on the air. I think I respect that, though sometimes it can be annoying. He's certainly not a primary source of information for me, but I do usually find him entertaining.

His voice became hushed and serious as he said something very close to, "There's been a major explosion in Beirut. We don't have any information yet." It was clear that he was watching video of the blast. He said, "It looks nuclear. It's not, obviously, but it looks like a small nuclear blast."

Being someone who MUST be the most well-informed person in the room, no matter the room, I jumped on the chromebook to find out what happened. (I am outmatched in some rooms, but it's not due to a lack of effort.)

I have to admit to exclaiming, "Jesus f***!!" when I first saw the footage. I may or may not have repeated that when I sent the video of the explosion to my girlfriend. Her reaction was similar, though her language tends to be a little better. With 6 years in the Army and 5 at a police department, f*** is a comma to me.

I viewed the video 12 to 15 times initially. I found a 5-second video on Twitter that showed the entire explosion until the time the person recording the video was apparently knocked down by the shockwave, debris, or something else. It's hard to know what the culprit was. There are so many dangers with an explosion of that magnitude.

After the initial shock wore off, I began to try to analyze the video with my *slightly* trained eye. The first thing that occurred to me was that it looked like a tactical nuclear explosion.

When our military uses a tactical nuke, it explodes in two stages. The first stage of the "bunker buster" blows a hole in the bunker. The second, the nuclear component, vaporizes everything inside. I will be damned if it doesn't look like there are two separate explosions in this case. The first, the "fireball" that is the initial explosion. The second is the rings that look for all the world to be nuclear in nature.

Bunker busters generally explode underground and don't leave a "nuclearesque" signature above ground. If this *does* end up being a tactical nuclear strike, someone -- be it a nation state or terrorist group -- is going to have a lot of explaining to do. Of course, there is the possibility that some of the simpler, less sinister explanations are true.

I hope they are.

-- Treehouse of Liberty Times brief -- 

A case for Term Limits

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of President more than once. Thus states the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution of the USA.

  Back in 1951, 36 of the 48 states(Hawaii and Alaska were not yet states) ratified this amendment and it became a permanent part of our Constitution. Yet, like some said about President Obama in 2016, the same thing has been said of President Trump in 2020...They will not accept the results and try to stay in power. Arguments such as these are ridiculous and cannot happen even under so called "Executive Orders". The U.S. Constitution trumps all political decisions or desires. 

 But, people in BOTH parties have tried to end run and backdoor the Constitution and its amendments for as long as there have been Political Parties. It has become second nature and Politicians think it is just the way the game is played today. How can we eliminate the corruption and the self serving greed that Politicians so desperately seek? Well,  the blame and the fault can be traced to...NO, not the Republicans and NO, not the Democrats but rather...the modern day voter. In other words, you and I.

  Even though we passed term limits for Presidents, what we really need are term limits for Congress.  Our Founding Fathers thought they had this covered by the formation of our 2nd Political Box, the voting box. ( Soap box, jury box, and ammo box being the others) But sadly, our fellow citizens(and maybe even some of us) have become lazy and apathetic to one of their most valued and treasured rights. When you make your Congressional seat a lifetime job, then the opportunity for you to make deals so money rolls into your bank account becomes not only tempting, but also has become..AUTOMATIC. Shame on our well to do Congress but, DOUBLE SHAME to we, the voters.

So, how do we fix this? Well, just as an amendment for Presidential term limits was put to the Country, so should an amendment for Congressional term limits. But here is the fly in the oinment. Congress has to approve this and then submit it to the people. Are you gullible enough to think that Congress would cut their own "monetary throat"? Think again.  Representatives like Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell and others have taken advantage of our system for too long. Since Congress has to make the first move, I doubt we will ever get an amendment like this passed. The ONLY chance we have to bring some honor and honesty back to our Government is to CHANGE OUT those who are leading us down the wrong path. Let me be clear, BOTH parties have more than their share of greedy Congressional millionares. Will it ever change? Only YOU and I have the power to make it so. Research your local, state and Federal candidates and see what they really believe and what they want. Do not rely on FOX, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, MSNBC, CNN, Washington Times, Washington Post, New York Times, Newsweek, Time or ANY other Main Stream Media to make that decision for you.  And do not let their tenure in Government mean an automatic reelection for our Representatives. Let us all, Democrat, Republican, Black, White, Brown, Red, Yellow, Christian, Jew , Hindu,, Muslim or Atheist stand up and learn to say NO to those who make money hand over fist pretending they care about us and our opinions. There is an old saying that goes, "An honest person cannot be elected to Politics these days"..Whomever said it was years ahead of their time. I am asking all voters, of all parties and beliefs, to end the monetary chokehold Congress has on itself.  In conclusion remember...."All it takes for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing".. TIme for the voters to do SOMETHING!  The problem isn't a new President every 4 or 8 years, it is an old Congress for 20 or more years. Thank you all for reading and lets work together to make us a great Country once again. God Bless the USA!

Clay Moorer, Assistant Editor of Treehouse of Liberty Media

You want to run a negative campaign? Probably not a good idea.

American political history dictates that if you're clearly losing an election, the best -- if not only -- thing you can do is go negativ...